Monday, November 24, 2014

Seeing with new eyes: A Thanksgiving Miracle

Some people may not feel like I am an old lady at age 39 ½, by the way… when do you stop saying when you are ½ of a year older? I totally remember doing that when I was little.  Anyway, whether 39 ½ makes me old or not believe me after a long week of taking care of a sick toddler my body tells me I am. I have decided I am just having fun with what life has brought me in an unexpected hour. One thing I find humorous is that some of my friends have children in high school and even college, but I am changing diapers along with my nieces who have small children. Thanks to Cici, my husband’s first wife I do have one son going to college and another son who just graduated college. It is like living in two worlds at the same time.

Come to think of it, “living in two worlds at the same time,” isn’t that what we all do? I believe that along with the world we see and live in everyday I believe there is an unseen world that also influences us. Some unseen beings influence us for good and some for bad. Even within us there is a spirit that we don’t see with mortal eyes that allows us to live and be.  Often when I was down and thinking life was a little hard I would have a scripture come to mind, “You cannot behold with your natural eyes.” (See Doctrine and Covenants 58:3) and with this comes the purpose behind what I want to write today. Just like we have a physical set of eyes in which we view the world we also have spiritual eyes that can not only see the world, but see the connection the world has with God and his plan for us.

 Is there a way that we can have our spiritual eyes open? Is it possible that we don’t understand what is really going on around us? UM, YA! To help bring understanding to this idea I want to relate to you an experience I had many Thanksgivings ago. I was attending BYU and traveling back to college after the holiday break. Now most people know that driving long distances in the snow has its hazards. I had almost made it back to Provo from Idaho in terrible snow storm when my spiritual vision was going to become much clearer. All I could see with my physical eyes was the brake lights of the car in front of me and that was about it. Even the signs to let us know where drivers were and how far we had left on our journey were not visible. It was in essence, “driving blind”. Which I might add is not a good idea. I felt I really didn’t have a choice in the matter I needed to press on and make it home. One thing I knew for sure was that I had it with the car in front of me. I decided that I was going to pass it.

Ya, that is right. I had made the decision, with no visibility that it was better to risk crossing the snow drift that existed between the lanes than to patiently put up with the car I was following. Boy, were they brake happy. That car would not travel at a consistent speed, even a slow consistent speed. It was hitting the brakes randomly and often. I was confident in my driving. After all I wasn’t some Californian, I mean no offense I just know there is not a lot of snow in most of that state.  I was an experienced snow driver. In fact, where we come from driving during the winter was just another form of sledding.

 Reliant in my skills and poor vision I began to cross the deep slush that separated the lanes. Right then I felt and heard something. I felt a lot of love and heard, “get back into the right hand lane.” Now this was not the first time I had felt that feeling or had been guided. I recognized it because of my prior experiences. My spiritual eyes were not completely open, but they were open enough at this time to recognize the message from Heaven. When I received this first message I wasn’t quite ready to see what was happening. I had just crossed the drift that was between lanes at no small risk to my safety. I wasn’t going to make that move without completing what I had started out to do. I even felt justified in explaining to the angel by my side that I would move over into that lane as soon as I passed “Mr. Brake-Happy” in front of me. Again I heard the voice, “get back into the right hand lane.” Still there was reluctance on my part and then with great love the voice came again a third time and changed, “do you want to die?” Okay so now I was humbled. I felt the urgency and sincerity of the message it changed me. I began to move my car back into the right hand lane back behind the same car I was following before.

It was with some effort that I again crossed the slush which seemed to grab at my tires. Finally I was back in the right lane driving slowly and cautiously. No sooner had I got in the right lane that I was passed by a semi-truck that dumped snow and slush on my vehicle. I had never even seen him coming. The truck must have been in my “blind spot.” The passing of the truck was like I was like being buried by a title wave of snow and ice. I had a bit of difficulty regaining control of my car. The only reason I was able to gain control of my car was because in the right hand lane there was enough room for me to fish-tale and make my recovery without hitting another vehicle. I know that my life was spared and I decided that I wouldn’t be so hard to convince the next time I heard a heavenly whisper that I didn’t understand or agree with. My spiritual eyes were opened a little more that day.

I know that there are angels out there. I know there are angels even though I cannot always see them or feel them. I know that there are angels because I chose to believe the scriptures. I felt angelic help when I needed them and sometimes they came before I knew I needed them. I felt them with me as I sought to help others. These and other experiences have confirmed my faith and open my eyes to their reality.  Life is full of visibility issues and blind spots… but I know I am not alone. There is a God in heaven that loves me and you.  God has many angels to help us feel and know how much he cares.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The less loved wife?

I am not a spokesman for the LDS Church, but I am a member of it. I would like to introduce this blog post with a disclaimer and an invitation. First the disclaimer, at times the language that I use to describe my experience may be confusing or practices that are briefly mentioned need more detail. I am happy to answer questions if you choose to submit them, or you can visit and to find out more about my faith. Lastly the invitation, if you know someone that needs to here this message please share this post with them.

1.       My Preparation for an Eternal Marriage

As a student of the scriptures I intensely studied the book of the Old Testament. Some of the Biblical accounts that were of great interest to me were of plural marriage. Plural marriages were much different at that time than the brief period of time that it was lived in our own history because biblical accounts show a societal caste system. There were handmaids who were of lesser social standing and would bear children to their mistress who was a full-covenant wife. This was a recipe for all sorts of human drama. Even among these covenant women of the same social standing there was earthly inequality, jealousy, pride and favoritism. These marriages were marriages formed in mortality and being mortals they have human frailty. While their marriage was different the purpose of all marriages was the same. Marriages are to work towards a celestial state where there was no inequality, pride, favoritism or jealousy.  I suppose my interest in their stories was my first preparation for the marriage that one day I would be a part of. I am a faithful Latter-day Saint married to a widower for all time and eternity. I hold the non-coveted and even feared position of most married woman in the Latter-day Saint community; I am a sealed 2nd wife. So why am I okay with it? I would love to share with you my struggle with and faith in this principle and share my experience of how I was able to make the choice to be in the marriage I am in today and plan to be in forever.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I hold firmly to the beliefs of our Church that marriage does not end in death but lasts for eternity. I was 36 years old and I made this decision to marry a widower with faith, understanding and complete trust in my Father-in-Heaven’s plan for me. Since the Church ended the practice of Polygamy over a century ago the only marriages that can have this element happen in the afterlife. Our history is rich with examples of those who were asked to live this way while in mortality. They are not all good examples of what marriage will be like when we have reached the point where we are perfected and new creatures in Christ forever changed by his atonement. They do give a very true look at what the practice was like who were dealing with human weakness. From my experience in Religious Education and Church service I would say most members look upon their ancestors who lived this practice with reverential horror.  The only reason why I don’t feel that way is because I have felt of God’s love for me and I know he only seeks the best for me and that truth is not independent upon any one principle of the gospel it is dependent on all true gospel principles and doctrines. I have also prayerfully sought for an understanding of eternal marriage. I have come to understand in those quiet and reflective moments that for Cici and I our lives required something different in order to perform the work that we needed to perform while on the Earth. We as Latter-day Saints believe that we lived long before we came to Earth and that we will live an eternity after. Because we do not remember our life before and we cannot see what our life will be after this mortal testing time, we must ultimately trust God and follow His spirit to accomplish what we need to accomplish here.

After I served an LDS mission I felt more prepared for an eternal marriage which I saw as the next logical step in life. The Lord had other plans for my life and looking back I can see the wisdom and generosity in which he gently helped me to gain greater blessings than I could have ever anticipated. I led a rich single life filled with amazing people who have changed me for the better. I worked as a trainer of missionaries for 2 ½ years before becoming a full-time seminary teacher, which position I held for 10 years. While I was blessed in my employment there was always heartache when it came to relationships. Please allow me to flash back to my 24th year while working as a missionary trainer when my dreams of marriage were dashed for the first but not the last time. I had hoped for a friendship to develop into something more and I could remember praying to my Heavenly Father that perhaps this man was a good choice.  I had been given the answer in prayer that the man whom I had hoped to marry was a choice that God approved of, but alas it was not meant to be. I approved of his choice in marriage, and inside I knew that God would make this disappointment up to me.

I will save you all the gory details of the three more hopeless romances that I recounted for my General Authority worthiness interview to be hired as a full-time seminary teacher, but I will tell you this, one of the young men that I hoped to marry actually hoped back for a time and even asked me to marry him.  That engagement ended shortly after it was made and broke my heart. I prayed to heal and not to become a part of the ever growing group of the bitterly disappointed. I sought for direction from Heaven and read my scriptures diligently. Teaching the scriptures everyday was also a blessing and sometimes answers my prayers would come as I sought to help my class understand the gospel. Some of my friends were helpful too and approached me with new perspectives that helped me see that perhaps I could make a better match for me. One such friend was Cici, my husband’s first wife. She thought this young man was a little young for me and didn’t seem very excited when we were dating. This helped me to adjust my thinking when I looked back on the experience and see that I was getting a lot of signals that this wasn’t right, but I just wanted to be married so much it was clouding out these more subtle helps. This last experience may spark your curiosity so I will just tell you, I knew my husband and his first wife for six years before I would become a part of that family. Looking back on this I see it as such a tender mercy. I was able to know my friend Cici and come to care for her family before I even knew I would be a part of it.

2.       Choosing a Marriage with an Eternal Plural Connection

At 36 I was starting to feel a little old and rejected when it came to the whole marriage thing. I was dating a man in all worldly measurement was the “perfect catch.” He was a tall, had all his own hair, as he described himself, and he was rich. Most women must of thought I was crazy not to marry this model, yep he really he was a model, and take trips to his little cottage in Switzerland. Something just didn’t feel right as we dated.  We got a long great and I could feel myself falling for him. The closer I came to making the choice the more dark I felt inside. In looking back on the experience I can see clearly now that all of my disappointments and research I did with the doctrine of my faith was leading me to the point where I would be unable to accept the marriage prospect I currently had and be able to accept in faith the marriage that was approaching. Believing these truths I was understanding more deeply was making me different. What I believed was also changing how I saw life in general.  I had become more confident in my ability to feel and recognize when God was leading me. This in turn gave me more confidence in just trusting that feeling. I felt good about letting go of old attitudes that, while socially acceptable, were not in alignment with where my life’s direction needed to go.

 It was during this time of great confusion I experienced while seeking to know if I should marry this man that my friend Cici faithfully finished her battle with cancer and passed away. Cici was and is a beloved woman. She touched so many hearts with her quiet and strong devotion. When her sweet son told me of her passing I couldn’t help crying. I admired and loved her. Her husband was also my friend and I felt keenly for him in his agony. As I went home that night contemplating whether or not to marry the man I was currently dating mixed with the tender emotions of losing my friend I heard clearly in a voice that was unmistakably Cici’s, “You can marry Guy.”

Now some of you don’t believe in angels. Let me testify to you, angels exist. I prayed to know if this experience was from God directly after it happened because I was a little disturbed by the message. I also knew that emotion can cloud out inspiration from heaven.  I knew that prayer was what I needed to do because of countless prior experiences. Prayer always helped when I was confused and needed God’s direction and help. I ask God if that experience I had was from him. I was confident that he would tell me through the Holy Ghost if it was. I was given a confirming witness from the spirit of God that it was. It was so real yet seemed so strange. I have also found that strange to me is quite normal for God. I recollected that it was not unlike when God sends angels in scripture. They come to give a loving message of faith and repentance and usually shocked and even frighten those they appear to. I think of the Shepherds in the field at the time of Christ birth. They beheld an angel and were very fearful yet the angel told them not to be afraid.

This experience happened a few days before her funeral, which I attended. As I was there I wept for my friend and her grieving family.  I prayed… “If there was anything I could do to ease their suffering please let me know and I would do it”.  I hugged my friend, her husband, and her sweet son. During the services they played a recording of Cici’s son’s testimony who was at that time faithfully serving a LDS mission. It was all I could do to handle the emotion and feelings of the spirit that were so powerful and I cried even harder. The bitter sweet experiences of celebrating a life of faith and devotion was all I could handle, I couldn’t even attend the graveside burial I was so overwhelmed with emotion. THERE WAS ONE THING I UNDERSTOOD THROUGH THE SPIRIT, I left knowing that Guy was the kind of man I needed to marry.

3.       The Courage to Listen and Follow God’s Direction

With all I knew and had experienced, it seems silly now looking back on it I decided to keep dating the man I had formed an attachment with. The heavenly experiences of promptings through the spirit that were changing my understanding didn’t end and they were helping my heart to change. I realized through dating the man to whom I hoped to marry that he wasn’t ready for a temple marriage.  Compromising temple marriage or even putting it off until later was not an option I could take. I had been told in my patriarchal blessing, which is personal counsel given through a priesthood ordinance that I needed to choose a man that loved the Lord and would take me to the temple. The line from my blessing had kept me single more than once so it was not surprising that it would happen again. Now I was much more humble and willing to submit whatever the Lord was bringing into my life.  There was something wonderful in surrendering my will to the Lord. I felt like everything would be fine and better than I could imagine. Little did I know that my now husband was also having heavenly experiences that led him to call me. He asked if he could call me again. It was important that he came when he did, even though doing so gave him quite a bit to deal with in his family relationships, I am so proud of him for coming. Him coming at the time he did gave me the ability to let go of the hope I had carried for the wrong man and get my head on straight.

During the first week we spoke on the phone and began to get the courage to divulge some of our heavenly experiences with angels and dreams to one another. It was quite apparent to us that we were a part of a “Heavenly Arranged Marriage.” This seems strange … since our culture where that is not the norm… and it felt uncomfortable. It also may seem like we had no choice in the matter, but we did. We had the choice to follow the Lord will or not. I was ready to follow this course and it felt right. We both had a desire to be faithful to whatever the Lord required of us because we knew he had the power to do more with our lives than we could without his help. By the end of the week of phone conversations we had unofficially decided to marry all before the first date! The speed at which this occurred looked suspicious to anyone who didn't know our character and were not privy to the spiritual experiences we had. Our engagement and subsequent marriage was a seed bed for suspicion and rumors. Another thing that was different than I had not anticipated was the newness of our affection. Our marriage didn't begin without any love or attraction. Our love was a young and friendship based love, there were beginnings of attraction that most people have in the beginning of a courtship.

Due to intense grieving and doubt there were times that both of us were ready to back out of the engagement. My poor husband was grieving deeply for his Cici and I was overwhelmed with the thought of much more than I anticipated in the thought of getting married. Not to mention I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that interrupted my career prematurely. "When it rains it pours" is I believe the statement best describing my environment,  but every time I prayed there was peace. Miraculously we were even supported by close and tender family and friends. I remember one friend Robin upon hearing the news was immediately supportive. She felt the spirit of it instantly and even added, and there is a child waiting. (This is a common way of saying in our faith that you have children who are waiting to come to earth, not that I was pregnant.) She not only confirmed our experience we had shared with her she also confirmed one we hadn't shared yet. This was very comforting to us. As for the family, my side of the family was much more eager for the match to take place, I believe that was partly because for two years or more my family fasted for me every month. They fasted for the blessings that I needed to come into my life to come and when they did they had already gained the spiritual insights they needed to accept the match. My husband’s family on the other hand had very little time to adjust and their worries and concerns were well founded. But heaven again came through in answer to my prayers and our families supported us and attended our sealing in the Temple.

4.       Bringing the family together…Our First Year

I thought the hardest things were over. I was now married! Anyone who is married knows I was only at the beginning of the trials. There was no happily ever after when we married. There were fears and doubts and misunderstandings that needed to be worked out. All of our challenges were compounded by the speed of our courtship and insecurity we both felt in our new marriage. They were also complicated with many other stresses of moving our home, huge medical expenses, building up the my husband's acupuncture clinic, strained family relationships, I had to go on disability and quit teaching, my grandfather passed away and more but I am going to stop now. We were busy preparing for Christmas and a missionary coming home to our new family which occupied our time. Why we were able to pull through these difficulties was because we didn’t make this decision lightly nor did we esteem our covenants we made before God to be a light matter. There was also sweet and gentle help that came from God in the form of his servants both angels on earth, or mortal angels, and angels from heaven. Often times we could feel Cici there and we knew she was sent from a loving Heavenly Father who heard our pleas for help. The comfort and following the counsel we received got us through all the hard times. I was constantly encouraged and given a heavenly light to guide what I was to do.

The first year was the hardest. We moved into the family home with the boys, who were actually grown men. It was both bitter and sweet. Every hall and room had a memory of Cici and my presence was a painful reminder of their loss. I had learned a valuable lesson years earlier from my dear friend Nancy. Nancy had lost both her parents in her youth. She said when he step-father remarried his new wife, her step-mom, took down the pictures of her mother.  This made my friend feel like her mother died all over again. I was so moved by her experience I had decided when I heard that experience I could never do that to anyone. I committed that if I ever had the chance I would respect the children’s grief and the loved one who had passed on. Shocking to me this opportunity arose.  There was no decision that needed to be made. I knew just what to do.

I decided that wherever possible I would leave the house like Cici had left it. We even set up a glass display cabinet that became what we called a “memory box” that contained some of her cherished belongings, family photos, awards and such. This insured that there would always be a place in our home where Cici was honored and remembered. We gathered her belongings and preserved those we would want to give to her grandchildren and thought of ways we could teach them about her life. We have a beautiful little trunk all prepared. This will also be important for all the additions to the family to get to know her as well. This memorializing did present some difficulties for my family of origin, since this was done before my picture was up, I just tried to help them understand that my husband and sons needed time to grieve and I was seeking to help them grieve and bring our fractured family together.

I think another thing that was really hard for my grieving family was every holiday was such a keen reminder to the family they once had which was never going to be the same again. Everyone carried their grief in losing Cici differently and I tried to be understanding and not take things personally, although sometimes in my heart I felt overlooked and misunderstood. One such experience was not in our first year, but rather the 2nd Mother’s day, my first real Mother’s day. I had waited 37 years to have a child so to me this was a big deal.  There was still so much grief for the mother that was lost on that day for my family I felt forgotten.  What should have been one of the happiest days was one of the saddest. I did my best to forget myself and go to work. It was nice to be remembered that day by my family of origin. They really helped so much by being excited and happy for me.

We continued to work to help our little family come together. Another choice my husband and I made through counseling with each other was to carry on the traditions and favorite family dishes.  I just did everything I could to make matters better, but it didn’t always work. I learned that I couldn’t always make things better but I could love them during the pain. I am so thankful now that I followed the Spirit’s direction. I know that is because of my Savior’s sacrifice for us that we overcame all the difficulty we were experiencing, we only needed to be willing to exercise our faith in patience and prayer.

5.       Universal Truths We are Learning from Living in an Eternal Marriage with a Plural Connection

Now we look at all that we have experienced together and the trials that have strengthened our faith. There is a deepening sweetness in our relationship and we are now stepping out of the darkness and grief we were encompassed by in the beginning of our marriage.  The spirit and love in our home has brought healing to our hearts. We have also had two sweet additions to our family, our baby boy born 5 days before our 1st wedding anniversary and a lovely daughter-in-law who came the next year. Our understanding has grown and with that the pain of the former days are fading. The lessons that we have learned have left us forever changed. I am beginning to see even more today why my husband was the best and only man for me. Now there is a deeper love where there was once insecurity. I know that all the darkness this world has to offer is only temporary trial.  I know that the spirit of the Lord leads us to greater happiness, but the path of greater happiness is not the path with the easiest life. I have come to know my Heavenly Father and Savior in a way that I could have ever known them through these challenges and I have come to trust more fervently in the Spirit’s promptings. The family that felt uncomfortable and awkward when we gathered together now feels loving and happy. The mourning for Cici hasn’t ended but there is now a greater atmosphere of love and trust to handle it. God lives. There is nothing to hard for the Lord. He can and always will be there for us.

These things I know;

1.       Trials provide what is needed to strengthen our faith in Christ.

2.        Love deepens and grows with time and faithful effort.

3.       Grief will heal and open us to greater joy.

4.       God has given us families to help us come to understand him and what we can become.

5.       Perfect love casts out fear.

6.       Our mortal experience is temporary. One day we will rest from affliction,.

7.       The Spirit of the Lord will always lead us as we choose to follow God in righteousness.

8.       Greater happiness does not mean having an easy life.

9.       Loving and teaching correct principles to our families provides a perfect environment to become our best selves.

10.   Because of the tender watch care of the Lord we can mourn and be happy at the same time.

May the Lord bless and watch over you. Thanks for letting me share my story.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 Lessons I've learned from our Food Storage Challenge/ Food Storage Fast Food, 20 more meals before we quit

I have oddly enough really enjoyed living on our food storage for the last few months. I am excited by the challenge and I am thrilled with the results.

Lessons I have learned:

1. Food storage is about a state of mind and not just having a year supply at your disposal.
2. Don't rush into your food storage plan and then forget that it is there.
3. Food Storage should be part of everyday food preparation.
4. When you live on it you can better see changes that needed to be made.
5. Have enough cooking grease, butter, and other items that make the consumption of our food storage more pleasant.
6. Make your own bread. It tastes great, everyone loves it, and homemade is better in this case.
7. Come up with a continuing action plan to both inventory, and use food storage.
8. Consider what is needed to make sure that it will stay well stocked and balanced nutritionally.
9. Check food storage for what can and needs to be used up before you go shopping.
10. Do a bi-annual food storage challenge or have random drills throughout the year to check our preparedness.

Can you tell my husband is both military and boy scout trained? He is fun!

I am getting down to the last 20 meals before we will end this challenge, not because we can't keep going but because we miss our fresh vegetables, the Holidays are coming, and it is super hard to loose weight on this challenge.

Food Storage Fast Food

Part of my food storage contains ready meals in the freezer. These are awesome for when you don't have time to cook, and you don't want to waste your time, money and health on fast food. It is food storage fast food. Sometimes when I made a meal I just doubled it and froze the other half. Right now in my freezer I have a chicken and rice dish, meatloaf, chicken pot pie, roasts, and 16 more meals just waiting for their chance to come out. Right now my little boy is ill and it is so nice to realize that I can spend a little more time cuddling with him and helping him feel better and still have a healthy yummy dinner for the family.

I like to create fun and easy meals with things I have on hand. Last night I made bacon wrapped turkey with barbeque sauce, mash potatoes, and vegetables. I just cut the turkey into the size of tenderloins, wrapped them in bacon and cooked them in a crock pot for 3 or 4 hours and smothered with barbeque sauce. I wasn't a huge fan of the non-crisp bacon so I just put it in the oven at 425 for 7 minutes. My husband said it was tasty and boy was that easy. Next time I will grill them. What am I so happy about? I got to use up more of the bottles of sauces in my fridge.

So happy food storage adventures everyone. I will be writing about other things soon.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Store ingredients for your family's favorite comfort food: Chicken pot pie

When there is a time that food storage will come in handy making a few of the family's favorite comfort foods can help to lessen the hardship. One of our families favorites comfort food is chicken pot pie and I found a really easy way to make it that even leftovers disappeared just fine. I like to pick up a few quick meal ideas when at the grocery store that can turn into a number of good meals. I have found a few good uses for Alfredo sauce besides on pasta, one is in a cowboy stew. This is a simple stew that is made with potatoes, carrots, onions, beef and you guessed it, Alfred sauce. I just put all the ingredients in the crockpot for 4 hours or so and it is finished. I salt and pepper it for taste and we nicknamed it Italian Cowboy Stew. The Chicken Pot Pie recipe that I want to share with you on this post also contains this Alfred sauce and it really adds a nice touch to this old comfort food.

When I make this recipe I make two pies and freeze one for latter. They are a lot of work to put together so you might as well do just a little more work and get two pies and a ready meal for another day.

Combine in skillet
1 pound chicken (cut in small cubes, browned with salt and pepper added to taste) or 2 cans 12.5 ounces of chicken
1 medium onion (you can also use 3/4 cups of dehydrated onions that have been rehydrated)
2 cans of Cream of Chicken Soup I use Campbell's
1 bottle of Alfredo Sauce
1 package of 8 ounces of Cream Cheese
1/2 cup water or chicken broth
(I had fresh thyme and parsley on hand so I just added 1 teaspoons of the Thyme and 2 teaspoons of the Fresh Italian Parsley to the chicken and sauce, another way to spice things up is Mrs. Dash Garlic Herb combination. I few teaspoons of this is sure to give it a good flavor too.)

I used 1 bag of frozen broccoli and cut the pieces small
1 can of corn
3 medium carrots sliced ( you can used canned or dehydrated carrots that have been rehydrated)
Fresh carrots will need to be cooked for about 5 minutes to make sure that they will be done when your pie is finished.
2 potatoes cubed in small pieces

mix vegetables with Chicken and sauce.

Pie Crust
I used the Lion House's recipe but feel free to use your favorite. I used a recipe that made 2 double crust pies because I prefer a bottom to my pie as well. Mix up and roll it out. It is also nice to sometimes use already prepared crusts.

Place the pie crust in your pie tin and spilt the chicken and vegetable mixture in half. The mixture will be heaping above the sides of the pie tin, but there is no need to worry about spilling over sauce because this is a thick sauce that serves like a perfectly set cream pie. Make sure that you have cut vents in the top crust and cover and crimp the edges.

Bake one and freeze the other is my method or invite a lot of friends because this pie is filling and feeds at least 6 people and 12 if you bake the 2.

Bake at 375 for 45-50 minutes. Make sure that you cover the edges so they don't brown too much.

Just add your favorite veggies that you have on hand. Peas and carrots are a wonderful combination as well. I added the broccoli because it really tastes good with the cheese.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Freeze dried berries and fruit are an awesome thing to store!

Part of the reason that I went on this 60 days without grocery shopping is because of the number of quality products that needed to be used up. Freeze dried Raspberries, strawberries, peaches and blueberries. Making them into something your family will like is a whole other issue. Because rehydrating them makes a very soft and slimy texture I found there are certain ways to use them cooking that made them quite nice. They are great to add to pancakes, waffles, muffins, quick breads, cakes, pies, cold cereals, and home made granola. Something that I also found that worked really well when wanting to add them to a trifle or make your fruity glazed topping for desserts and breakfast foods is this simple glaze made from cornstarch water sugar and Jell-O. It's the glaze my Mom used to make fresh strawberry pie.

1 cup water
1 cup Granulated sugar ( I make it with 1/2 cup sugar)
3 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons any flavor of Jell-O (I like to match it to the fruit I am using)


Whisk over medium to medium high heat Cornstarch, sugar and water. Stir constantly it thickens quickly. When it reaches a thick consistency remove from heat and add Jell-O. Simply add your dried fruit that you would like to use and you have your topping. When it cools it will be a perfect pie consistency. If you would like the filling to be a little more like a drizzle lessen the cornstarch by half.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Miracle Mac: You can be the answer to prayers.

It all started on what seemed to be an ordinary day. I was busy with a toddler at home while my husband was checking on some things at work. All of a sudden the phone rang, it was my husband. He reported to me that our clinic had been broken into and that all the electronics and money were gone. This was the first time anything of this kind had happened at his business and he was handling everything quite calmly, but the biggest regret and greatest loss to our family was the computer. My husband had just started getting all the family photos organized so that he could back them up and now they were all gone. To make matters worse there were irreplaceable photos of my Husbands first wife who had passed away from cancer. Those pictures to us were priceless and we were greatly saddened by the loss. I remember praying fervently after hearing all that happened and pleading with my Father in Heaven that if there was any chance for the computer and pictures be recovered we would appreciate it so much. I prayed even harder when my husband said we need to just adjust to the new reality and realize that we are never going to get those back. I do recall even saying this in a prayer, "I have tried so hard to be the answers to others prayers and serve, please Father please help someone be there for me. Please protect those pictures." I admit it was a little desperate but I was completely at His mercy, but I had seen miracles happened. I just hoped that perhaps this was the Lord's will and we would be able to see him working in our behalf to save those irreplaceable photos.

Life went on as usual and I would still harbor a secret prayer in my heart that by some miracle we would get those pictures back. One day as I was busy doing my chores around the house I had an impression that a miracle would be preformed for our family. To be perfectly honest I didn't make the connection at the time of what that actually meant. I had prayed everyday for different things that were needed. I did then wait and watch for whatever was coming. I even told my husband the impression and I began to see a little more hope return to the family that things would improve for us in general. I know he still never thought he would see those pictures again.

It was days later that I received a text message from an old roommate that told me to call her if I was still awake and that it was urgent. I called her and she started explaining that she had just purchased a computer from KSL and that it had our information on it. She couldn't even get the explanation out before I said "you bought our computer?" She then explained that at first she had not wanted to purchase the computer because she had a funny feeling that it was stolen, but she kept getting an impression that she needed to buy it. She went home and started cleaning it up for her own use when she saw my husband's business license on it. She then asked her roommate what was the name of the guy that Andrea married. Her roommate told her his name and she said, "I think this is his computer." She kept searching for more evidence and she found a rental contract on it with my name. She said that was when she sent me the text. I was so excited I was in shock and a little emotional. I said are the pictures on it? She said that she saw some pictures. By this time my husband was in complete shock, and so incredibly happy.

Arrangements were made to pick up the computer from her and to inform the police that the computer was found. We told her we would gladly reimburse her for the computer. The next day when my husband went to pick up the computer he found that the pictures had not been touched, they were all there. He thanked her and told her that we knew that this was a miracle. My sweet roommate then told him that he needed to hear the rest of the story. She said that 2 years earlier she was really wondering if her life was going in the direction that God wanted for her. She wondered if she was approved of by Him. She said she had gone with those questions to serve in the temple where she could ponder more and feel closer to God. As she was pondering she saw me. Without her prompting me or knowing why she was there,  I began to speak to her and tell her the things that she had needed to hear. I do remember the experience and confirming to her that I had felt the Spirit of the Lord very strongly with her and that I was touched by her goodness. When she left the temple that day she prayed that someday she would like to be an answer to my prayers since I had answered hers.

There were so much evidence that this was not a coincidence. One such evidence is that the computer was only online for 8 minutes when my roommate put in the call to get it. She said that she had been painting her house when she just got a feeling to go and buy her Mom a computer. Another evidence was the Police officer that was called on this particular case said that these things never happen. When he told my roommate that she would not get her money back she told him that we were going to reimburse her his response was that these things never happen. That is part of the reason that I wanted to tell this experience today. I feel like these miracles can happen and do happen daily and that we just need to open up and share them. If you feel like someone needs to hear this experience feel free to share it. I know that God hears and answers prayers and that we can play an important role for others in helping those miracles to happen. Keeping God's commandments matter. When we do we can feel his Spirit better and he can use us to help lessen the burdens of others.

I would also love to hear your miracles.

With Love,


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Make food storage fun too! Chocolate works for me!

As I was pondering what this new mom/old lady could tell you today that would make food storage for your family better and exciting this is what came to mind; one of the things I think everybody that stores food ought to remember is that if you don't have it on hand when a crisis hits you're not going to have it! And a crisis can be anything from losing a job, being so ill you can't leave your house to shop, natural disasters, war and any other unexpected event. So what does that mean for food storage? You need to store things that are fun for your family to eat and drink! As part of our normal food storage we have hot cocoa, a fruit drink, chocolate chips, pure maple syrup, honey, an assortment of dried fruits and anything that we need to order to make some of our family's favorite treats. When you need to make a meal that you may feel like your family will whine and cry about because it's dried beans and rice make them chocolate chip cookies to go with it and it's going to be a great meal! I personally love beans and rice it is especially good if you have some nice canned salsa to go with it. If you are just starting your food storage don't go crazy when the chocolate chips are on sale at the grocery store just picked up an extra bag and put it in your freezer. It is amazing how just a small little treat can help you through a hard time.

In addition to having these things you need to have excellent recipes. I recommend to you one of my favorite websites for food. our best They have some really fun recipes! They also have their own cookbook if you like to collect cookbooks I would recommend you get one. One of the things these gals do best is their cookies. I have made some excellent beautiful cookies from their website. In fact I made over 400 cookies for my stepsons wedding and many of them came from this website. They were part of a cookie bar dessert table and they weren't just good they were beautiful. I was able to make a few batches a day and freeze them a couple weeks before the wedding. We actually lived on the leftovers of those cookies for months! Freezers are excellent for cookies. They are also great to pull out when you don't have time to make dinner more exciting when it is leftover surprise!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Storing your family's favorite foods, such as Grandma's Meat Loaf Recipe.

Some of you may wonder how a recipe and food storage blog ties into to being an old lady but a new mom. The nice thing about being an old lady and a new mom is I know what recipes kids will eat. I have made them for years before having my own children. This is a recipe for meatloaf that I've been able to get most picky eaters to eat. The great thing about it is it has eggs and carrots and onions And anytime you get that down my kids mouth you're happy! Unless they're allergic of course.

Making food storage more convenient only takes storing food that your family likes to eat. It took a little while before I found out all the likes and dislikes of my family but one dish that was a hit from the very start was my Grandma Matthews meat loaf. The first dinner I ever made for my husband while we were dating was this simple family recipe that is easy to store and can be made and frozen in advance as well. But this dish didn't just feed my future family it can  honestly be given credit for helping the family come together. My husband said it was the first possitive conversation that he had with his son in a long time. It went something like, "Hey Dad that was good meat loaf. I think it was a sauce." To which my husband responded, "yeah" ahh the power of meat!


2 pounds ground beef
3/4 cup milk
1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs
2 teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
One medium onion diced
One medium carrot graded
Two eggs beaten

1/2 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons mustard
3 tablespoons brown sugar

Pour milk over breadcrumbs, add ground beef, salt, pepper, carrots, onion, and eggs. Mix then pack in loaf pan. Spread sauce over top. Bake at 325 for one and a half to two hours.

Now how I make this food storage really takes having space in your freezer. I always have a few pounds of hamburger that I can use. My husband likes getting a half a beef every year so a few pounds is actually not quite accurate. It's always a good idea to have catchup, mustard and brown sugar as part of the temporary short-term storage. I say temporary because these items do go bad and are best if you rotate them more often. I used dried onions in my meatloaf 1/2-3/4 cups works great in place of the medium onion. My husband likes a little bit firmer meatloaf so I do not rehydrate the onions but if you want to really moist you would want to rehydrate the onions before you added them. I like to use the heels of the bread and also crusts that I used the bread for it in other dishes, for the soft breadcrumbs. By the way the homemade bread makes amazing meatloaf! I just store these in Ziploc bags pull them out whenever I'm going to make this dish. Garden carrots last a fairly long time in a cool dry place. Carrots are the only thing that I haven't used a food storage items for but it would be easy to do so. Either canned carrots or freeze-dried carrots would work if they are rehydrated before added. I used powdered milk for the milk.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Introduction and Honey Wheat Bread recipe

Since this is my first blog post I feel a brief introduction wound be helpful. I was in my later 30s when I married my husband who was a widower with two grown sons. The blessing I had waited my whole adult life for was finally mine, yet it seemed so overwhelming too. I had prepared for years for marriage and family responsibilities but never in my life had I planned or anticipated on marrying a widower and taking on some of the challenges that came with that. Within the first two years of my marriage I had to move my home, quit my career, battle chronic illness and disability, had a child and married off a stepson. Not only was I caring for my family I also had three horses two dogs and a cat. Needless to say it is taking me a few years to get into the swing of things.

Now all the overwhelming tasks seem to be routine, my health is improved and I'm grateful for my  life that once weighed so heavily upon me. So with that new found energy I've been able to start some projects that have been completely enriching and informative. One such project is the inspiration for my first blog. Rotating food storage, I know it sounds totally fascinating doesn't it! ? Okay I'll admit that it may sound a little odd but I  felt driven to do this. We had worked so hard to build a supply of food that would help us when times are hard. It seemed a shame to me that we were losing some of the products just because they had reach their past due date. I thought to myself, this should never happen! I've got to do something. So I began to embark upon a challenge to rotate my food storage and that his led to 60 days of no grocery shopping. I must admit that I do have a home delivery service that provided fresh milk and eggs for my growing little boy, But there was no more regular shopping trips for me!

I have learned so much from this challenge. One thing that I've learned is that I really like to save money! Number two, I love food storage! And number three, I really like making my family happy with yummy food. By request I am going to start posting some of the recipes that help me to rotate my wheat as well as all other storage items that I had collected. I will share lessons I've learned And I will also include websites that I located  tips for cooking and recipes that have kept my family happy.

We tried a few different bread recipes this one was our favorite!

Honey wheat bread

Inspired by the recipe of Jan Clayton

5 cups scalded milk (I use powdered)
1 1/2 cup honey
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons yeast
9 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup butter
Two whole eggs
9 cups white flour
1 more cup flour as needed for the right consistency

Mix everything together except yeast and all the flower. I like to let my yeast dissolve in one of the cups of warm milk with 1/2 cup of the honey added. When you are almost done adding the flower add the yeast mixture. Then add only flour to make a soft dough. Depending on your elevation and the humidity you may use more flour. You know your dough is ready when it no longer sticks to the bowl but is still soft and pliable. Raise until double in a greased metal bowl. Mold into 4 loaves. Raise in pan until double.

Bake 375 for 25 to 30 minutes
Convection  oven 325 for 25 to 30 minutes