Monday, December 1, 2014

7 Lessons I Learned in Secret Prayer

 “There is an hour of peace and rest, Unmarred by earthly care; ‘Tis when before the Lord I go And kneel in secret prayer. “ This is a line from one of my favorite hymns, Secret Prayer (#144).  I love the whole concept of being able to pray in secret and see how the Lord rewards you openly. I have been thinking about all the times I have seen the Lord answer my prayers.  My favorite experiences are when I did approach the Lord in total secrecy and recognize he answered me.

I remember learning how to pray from my father. It was not that my mother didn’t try, I am sure she did. For some reason when my father told me that I had a Father in Heaven that loved me more… I was intrigued. I couldn’t imagine that, but I was willing to try. I addressed my Father in Heaven and in my simple and young heart I felt something. I felt someone listening and loving me. I loved that feeling and I prayed a lot more after that.

Lesson #1: God is Not a Genie

I will also admit that I wasn’t quite sure what to pray about at times. At that time, I believed that if I saw it then it was real. For example, I believed that if Pinocchio could become a real boy then my doll could become real too. I remember praying and praying that my doll would come to life. Now some of you may snicker at this, but I was sincere as any child could be. I made promises to the Lord too. I promised that I would take really good care of her. I didn’t tell anyone of the experience and of course my doll is still a doll, and somehow I didn’t translate that into a faith crisis. I kept on praying. Sometimes they were answered in a way that I got something I needed. Sometimes the answer to my prayers came in a way I couldn’t anticipate or with a no. I learned one thing is for certain: God was NOT at all like a Genie who grants your wishes.

Lesson #2: Answers Come in Unexpected Ways

I remember experiencing this as an adult while serving my mission.  I was attending a meeting for all new converts and present were some of my sweet friends who had chosen to be baptized.  I had prayed in my heart that I would be able to express my love of the gospel and of the people I was with that day. I was so filled with this feeling I didn’t know how I would be able to express it. I also couldn’t figure out how to get to everyone and still stay in contact with my companion. I prayed for an opportunity. The opportunity came in a way I could not have anticipated. Looking back I can see that the Lord often answered my prayers in an unexpected way. The experience is as follows:

I saw the Stake President lean over to my Mission President and ask some questions and then he got up to begin the meeting. He began to call people from the audiences that were new members to share their testimonies. When he called a young man I had taught I was satisfied in my desires and told the Lord I was so happy to just be in the meeting where this was happening. I didn’t need to have any more blessings. The Stake President then added,

 “I am also going to do something that is not traditional to do. I am going to call on one of our missionaries to speak.” He then said my name...

As we were singing the opening hymn, Secret Prayer, I knew that the Lord was answering mine. Later that day a missionary said to me that they had an investigator at that meeting who was struggling with the decision of being baptized. He said that after my testimony he was willing to accept that commitment. I didn’t know that situation even existed when I spoke. I didn’t even remember what I said in my testimony. What I did know, and still know today is there is a Father in Heaven that hears and answers humble prayers.

Lesson #3: Aligning Our Will to God’s is One of the Purposes of Prayer

With all the blessing I have received in prayer I have still had some trouble too. The trouble I have had with prayer in my life is that I haven’t always known what the will of the Lord was in a situation. I know that ultimately only his will is what will be accomplished. Some may truly be puzzled over this with all the evil of the adversary and his followers are allowed to assert on others. Without getting into too much detail on that, I know that God rose above all the evil and that he sent his son to help us rise above it all too. The purpose of this life is not to live without opposition it is to learn to live in opposition. What I needed to focus on was I had to align my heart with his.

The Purpose of this life is coming to understand the will of the Lord. When we understand that purpose it increases the power of our prayers and ability to help others. When I started to look at prayer as me aligning my heart with God my prayers changed significantly. I began by following the counsel of one of my leaders who challenged us to pray according to the dictates of the spirit. He taught about the Book of Mormon leaders who had done this at the coming of the Savior and I was inspired by the concept and the spirit I felt. I started to pay attention to what the Lord was trying to teach me during my prayers and I started listening more than I was speaking.

Lesson #4: Listening to the Spirit as We Pray Increases Our Sensitivity to the Spirit of the Lord

Following the spirit in knowing what to say in prayer was a different concept to me. Listening to the Lord more than speaking in a prayer changed everything. The more I tried to keep all the commandments… and be worthy of the spirit the easier prayer became. There were plenty of times my emotional needs and desires competed with how I prayed. In these moments of trial I learned how to pour out my whole soul to the Lord. I asked him to fix and change my desires and understanding according to his will. Praying in that way has helped so much when I knew that my emotions were getting the better of me. I won’t say I pray perfectly now. I will say that prayer has continued to be an anchor to me during difficulty. Listening to the Lord while praying has also opened my mind more to the spirit, and in turn I have felt guidance and protection in my daily life.

Lesson #5: God Respects Agency

Through study and experience I have come to know that the Lord doesn’t give up on us. The scriptures show plenty of times the Lord seeks after his people. Our own agency (agency in this respect means the ability we have to act and make choices and not to be acted upon) as well as the agency of other is what can make things worse. At times he needs to humble people because they are using their agency poorly. This humbling makes it possible so to his voice and follow. A SECOND CHANCE! Who doesn't need one of those? I have felt that personally that God never leaves me it is me who leaves him. Sometimes it is hard to accept that the Lord’s will is to …

1. Give others their agency to harm others or themselves.

2. Good people as well as the innocent will suffer intensely in this world.

3. I don’t always get to know how things will improve.

4. I don’t always get to know how things will end.

 As well as a host of other reason I have heard for some I have known to quit praying. I have never known a God that didn’t care about me, who hasn’t blessed me beyond my hopes and lifted me above my trials. Life isn't suppose to be easy or make sense without God and his plan for us.

One of my longest trials I have been required to bare in this life is chronic illness. I know that there are many who suffer greatly from these things and I hope only to be a comfort as I share my experience of praying for health while submitting to the will of the Lord in the length and duration of this trial. It became apparent in my 20’s that there was something really wrong even though the chronic conditions were a part of my early teen life as well. I would often pass out and exhibit hypoglycemic tendencies. I went to many doctors both medical and naturopathic. All the time I was praying and fasting for  improved health. One of the most significant answers to prayers was finding a doctor that practiced Chinese medicine. I had done everything I knew how to do and I was fasting and praying to know what else I could do. The pain from my condition was intense and because of liver damage I was unable to take pain medication. I felt like my agency was eaten up by disease and that I was held captive by it.

Though I had moments of discouragement I tried to keep hope in my heart that my circumstances would improve. AND IMPROVE IT DID! I was at work one day with a substitute teacher. She was speaking about a similar situation in her family where her children could not take prescription medication. She had no idea of my prayers or condition but she was an answer to them. I spoke to her of my situation to see if the doctor could help my condition. I felt an electric feeling of the spirit when she said he could. I knew I needed to contact this man and see how he could help me. Little did I know at the time that I was not just finding a way for me to return to health I was also going to meet my future husband. I know that most times the Lord gives us greater blessing than we can imagine in his answers.

With great courage I left everything I knew about medical treatment and used my agency to start my therapy in the Chinese art of medicine. I improved so much in my health in the next few years.  I had enough energy to obtain a master’s degree and start a stand-up comedy troop, at BYU all while working full-time. I was doing so well I was able to work-out regularly in addition to my substantial work load and responsibilities.
Lesson #6 Opposition is a Law of Heaven so When You Feel it Pray!

Then when things were really great I was thrown into a whirlwind of opposition. I knew in my heart that the work I was undertaking in my thesis was of vital importance so I was not surprised when the opposition came. I can honestly say that at this point in my life I never felt more pressed upon by Satan. There was a tremendous strain on me emotionally which began but did not end with my engagement breaking up. (This was an engagement with another man, not my husband) Not long after my engagement ended I was bit multiple times by a Hobo spider. Did I mention that this all happened during finals? I was also audited by the Internal Revenue Service twice. One audit turned out to be their mistake and the other was a slight error on my part. Needless to say this cost me dearly in time and effort. Oh and that is not all, I was diagnosed with pre-skin cancer and had to have two small surgeries. I also had an operation on my foot for an entirely different reason. In addition to the emotional and physical stress I felt the house I was living in was sold and I had to find a new place to live. Just when you think it couldn’t get worse I had to meet with my thesis committee with my face all swollen from an allergic reaction to an insect bite. The strain of all these situations caused my health to again spiral downward. I for many reasons I had to quit the comedy club that I started and loved performing in. Comedy was literally the only thing I had to look forward to during that difficult time. It hurt to quit.

Life seemed to worsen with every bit of good I tried accomplish. Still I chose to continue to pray and search for treatment. I clung to everything the spirit had taught me while searching for more answers. Sometimes answers came through an inspired thought. I also found answers as I read the scriptures, served others, sought medical help from excellent physicians and alternative medical doctors, and when I took time to be quiet and ponder.

Lesson #7: Don’t Ever Give Up on the Lord; He Never Gives Up on You
It has now been five years since I have again started back on the path of healing. I passed my thesis and graduated. I have again experienced miracles. I know that miracles happen, that God hears and will answer our prayers. One of those miracles and answers to prayer is my little boy. My health condition was such that there was no hope expressed by my medical doctors that I could ever become pregnant. The Lord helped me rise above their doubts and listen to him. I am so glad the Lord helped me through those times and guided me not to have the suggested surgery that would have ended my pain and my chance for children. Though 11 years passed without a chance for having a child I now have my little boy.

Having my baby was such a miracle. Recovering from the C-section surgery was grueling. Recovery is longer when having a C-section anyway but it is even longer when you suffer from chronic illness and are 37 years old. Through personal prayer and prayers from my family I have found additional treatments that have relieved my condition and improved my health. I am not completely well, but I am again watching with interest how the Lord is upholding me in this trial and helping me again to rise above it. So if you ever get tired of the trials that you are called to bear I understand. I have been there, and one choice that has made it possible to continue in faith is to pray, and seek the will of the Lord while I am praying. I know that I can’t ever give up on the Lord because he never gives up on me. I know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can obtain the grace and mercy we are in need of to continue. I know of no better avenue to access the atonement than to pray.

If you know someone who needs to read this please feel free to share it.




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