Sunday, August 1, 2021

Education and Faith

Ready to go back to school? That’s a loaded question these days. Depending on your state you could be looking at online options, hybrid online and in person schooling, mandatory masks or no masks and the worries that come with any of those.


I hear a lot of information from people from all over the United States. They are talking about how their different schools in their communities are doing. Quite frankly I am impressed with the goodness of people everywhere. There are such amazing people that are really giving their ALL when it comes to securing educational opportunities for children. I have also noticed they are tired...they have been pushed to their limits with the pandemic climate. Many are seeking for greater strength, health and abilities to give even more this next year.

With that said I have a thought to share, and I hope it will be helpful to you or someone you love. The thought is this...if you find yourself missing the normal excitement and happy anticipation for the upcoming school year and instead you are noticing a feeling of dread you may need to prepare for this year differently. (Heightened stress can also be recognized when there is a lack of ability to get proper sleep.) Feelings of dread, heightened stress, and poor sleep can sometimes come from unprocessed grief and strain. The last school year was more than hard enough to bring these kinds of situations about. It is important to take time to be aware of how we are feeling. If we recognize we are overwhelmed we need to slow down and take care of ourselves. When we slow down it is easier to see the needs of our family too. It is also important to listen to your children’s worries and concerns. Once needs are identified it is time to seek solutions. Beginning to feel better can be as quick as a heartfelt petition the Lord in prayer. Tell Him everything! There isn’t anything He cannot help you with.

Whatever the problem Faith in God will help with the entire process. In fact, there is no better time to increase our ability to recognize how God speaks to us. When problems are identified we can pray in faith to find solutions. If we are pure in our hearts and our desires, that kind of diligent effort will lead to inspired insights and spiritual promptings. Promptings from God will always lead to greater faith and encourage us to change to be more Christlike. Following promptings that come will help increase our faith as well as give us greater power to help out. Each situation is unique and an opportunity to grow and stretch beyond our current capacity. All difficulties are really opportunities to use all the faith we have and ask God to increase our faith. 

With global upheaval and struggles increasing we can remember that it is a wonderful time to increase faith and get information on how you can be of service. The world needs people of all faiths to join forces during this difficult time. Instead of focusing on our differences we can use our energy and time to strengthen individuals, families, schools, teachers, administrators and communities. In addition to having good information on community and family needs we have a wonderful opportunity to fast and to pray for healing and strength. 

The Savior Jesus Christ calmed the waves and His disciples ....therefore He can calm you. He can make beauty out of ashes (Isaiah 61:3). Through His atonement we can access all the power we need to heal so that we can be a healing force for others. 

Thanks for taking the time to read and think about these things. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. 

If you still are pondering how to increase your faith this talk by President Russell M. Nelson has great faith-filled counsel on how to do just that. I would highly recommend studying it and following what the Holy Spirit teaches you through it.

Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains

By President Russell M. Nelson

President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

If you have any questions and need to speak to someone personally about increasing your faith feel free to click this link to get in touch with missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in your local area.


#inspiration #wisdom #sharethegoodness #LDS #Spreadlight #churchhistory #BeDiscerning #Faith #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #mormon #latterdaysaints #hearhim #FollowHim #JosephSmith #FaithThroughTrials #Angels #DareToDoRight

#prayer #Fast #fasting

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