“There are three separate
personages in the Godhead: God, the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and
the Holy Ghost (see Joseph
Smith—History 1:15–20). The Father and the Son have tangible bodies of flesh and
bone, and the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit (see D&C
130:22–23). They are one in purpose and doctrine. They are perfectly
united in bringing to pass Heavenly Father’s divine plan of salvation.
God the Father
God the
Father is the Supreme Ruler of the universe. He is the Father of our spirits
(see Hebrews
He is perfect, has all power, and knows all things. He is also a God of perfect
mercy, kindness, and charity.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of the Father in
the spirit and is the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. He is Jehovah
of the Old Testament and the Messiah of the New Testament.
Christ lived a sinless life and made a perfect Atonement for the sins of all
mankind (see Alma
His life is the perfect example of how all mankind should live (see John 14:6; 3 Nephi
He was the first person on this earth to be resurrected (see 1 Corinthians
He will come again in power and glory and will reign on the earth during the
prayers, blessings, and priesthood ordinances should be done in the name of
Jesus Christ (see 3 Nephi
18:15, 20–21).
The Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost is the third member of the
Godhead. He is a personage of spirit without a body of flesh and bones. He is
often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit
of the Lord, and the Comforter.
The Holy
Ghost bears witness of the Father and the Son, reveals the truth of all things,
and sanctifies those who repent and are baptized (see Moroni
© 2009, 2013 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. English approval: 10/12.
Translation approval: 10/12. Translation of Basic Doctrines. Language. PD00010275 000
#1 The Godhead: The Gift of the Holy Ghost
for Parents
Prayerfully review lesson material while considering the needs of your
children. Prepare any materials you will need.
Review: Read
the doctrinal summary of the Godhead provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or
listen to: Elder Gary E. Stevenson, “How Does the Holy Ghost Help You?”
Ensign, May 2017, p. 117.
Sing an
opening song: The
Holy Ghost, Children’s Songbook pg. 105.
to invite the Spirit: (Coach
younger children to pray specifically to invite the Spirit of the Lord so that increased
learning will take place.
Artwork: Point out the picture of a child
receiving The Gift of the Holy Ghost/The
Read: God the father and Jesus Christ can help us through the
gift of the Holy Ghost to purify our desires so that we can be happy and return
to live with him again (See D&C 46:7-9). (Share how you recognized changes
you needed to make in your life through the Holy Ghost. Praying to remember
those times allows the Lord to help you to remember what has been taught
through the power of the Holy Ghost [See Moroni 10:5, John 14:26]). The Gift of
the Holy Ghost is given to us as early as the age of eight through the
ordinance of baptism and confirmation in the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. The Holy Ghost helps us before baptism through what is known
as the light of Christ. When we are given the gift of the Holy Ghost we are
also given a gift of the Spirit (D&C 46:11). As we remain worthy we are
given the right to have the attendance of this member of the Godhead to guide
us in our life. The Holy Ghost provides warnings in the form of correction as
well as guidance in the important decisions of life including where we seek our
education, choosing to serve as a missionary, assistance in our callings and
assignments in the church and in confirming our choice in whom we marry as well
as in our family responsibilities.
Testify: Share times when you know the Holy Ghost
has helped you.
Teaching Hint: Help children recognize the Holy Ghost.
If they are near a fire or a heat vent have them feel the warmth from a safe
distance. Tell the children that the Holy Ghost helps us to feel warmth on the
inside. Another way to have children experience this lesson in a tactile way is
to have them hold a cup that is empty, then fill the cup with warm water. Share
how the Holy Ghost can fill our souls with warmth and happiness. Older children
may have more fun as you share scriptures listed in True to the Faith under the
title Holy Ghost and Revelation and make up their own object lessons to
describe that they are learning about the Holy Ghost. Also, since this is the
first time that you are mentioning the members of the Godhead it would be a
good idea to use an object lesson to define the term Godhead. Share that the Godhead
is made of up three distinct individuals, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and
the Holy Ghost. Each member has a different job but they follow the same
purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (see Moses
1:39). Similarly there are also three members in the Bishopric a Bishop, a
First Counselor and a Second Counselor. Each member of the bishopric has a
different responsibility but all are united in helping the ward members to come
unto Christ and be perfected in Him. Point out to children that there are three
members of the Godhead just like there are three members in a bishopric.
children recognize the Holy Ghost. Ask them how they felt before you started
the lesson. Ask them how they felt at the end of the lesson. Help them identify
what was done to invite the Holy Ghost, for example: praying, singing a primary song, reading
scriptures, and looking at art that helps us understand what we are learning
about, and so forth.
Ask: How can you know that the Holy Ghost is giving you
important decisions will you make in your life that you will need the Spirit’s
Study Journal: What did you learn about the Godhead
today? Set a goal to listen for the Holy Ghost. Encourage your children tell
you when they think they are feeling the Holy Ghost. Parents, also be mindful
of times when you think your children may be feeling the Holy Ghost and point
it out to them. This helps increase their attunement with the Spirit.
Closing Testimony and Invitation for
Children to Bear Testimony: I
know that God the Father lives; that Jesus is his Son, and the Holy Ghost
teaches us the truth of all things. In the Name of Jesus Christ amen.
you seek the Spirit you can be directed as to the time when it is appropriate
to invite your children to testify. Possible invitations are as follows:
you share your testimony now or later?
you share your testimony about Jesus Christ?
Closing Prayer: Express gratitude that the Spirit of the
Lord has been present, and for what you have learned.
Adaptions for small
children (0-3/non-verbal )
the opening song: The
Holy Ghost, Children’s Songbook pg. 105.
a simple prayer: Pray to
invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for
of true doctrinal principals:
God loves us and will help us. He wants us to help others.
Testify: God loves you. God loves me. I know God
wants us to help others.
Hint: Since this is the
first time children are being introduced to the term Godhead it is helpful for
children to understand that the Godhead is made up of three individuals. Have
them use their fingers and count to three. Then point to one finger and say “Heavenly
Father”. Point to the next finger and say, “Jesus Christ”. Point to the last
finger and say, “The Holy Ghost”. Then count to three again and say that the
Godhead has three people in it. If children don’t know how to answer the
questions you ask, pray for them to understand the principle.
Do you believe God loves you?
Do you believe we should help others?
Journal: Write their
responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught. A goal for yourself if you want to increase the spirit of the Lord
in your home carefully evaluate and get rid of music and media that may detract
from it. (Young children may not be able to focus well on goals, but if you
feel that they are ready try helping keep the suggested goal mentioned for the
older children.)
Testimony and Invitation for Children to Bear Testimony: I know that God the Father lives, and
loves us. I know that Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost will help us help others.
This is an appropriate time for children
to share their thoughts and feelings about what they have learned. As you
encourage the sharing of their thoughts and feelings they are being prepared to
share their testimony. Confirm the truthfulness of what they have said and that
learning these things by the power of the Holy Ghost is the beginning of
gaining a testimony.
Prayer: Express
gratitude that the Spirit of the Lord has been present, and for what you have
#2 The Godhead: Jesus Christ
for Parents
Prayerfully review lesson material while considering the needs of your
children. Prepare any materials you will need.
Review: Read the
doctrinal summary of the Godhead provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or
listen to: Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “The
Godhead and the Plan of Salvation” Ensign,
May 2017 p.100.
Sing an
opening song: The Holy Ghost, Children’s
Songbook pg. 105.
Pray to
invite the Spirit into your lesson:
younger children to pray specifically to invite the Spirit of the Lord so that
you can learn better the lessons that Heavenly Father has for us today.)
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of the Brother
of Jared sees the finger of the Lord/The
Read: Jesus is the God of the Old Testaments and was called
Jehovah (see the Living Christ). The Brother of Jared saw Jesus before his
mortal birth, when he was known as Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament (See
Ether 3:3-16). This is the story of the Jaredites and how they came to the
American continent. The Brother of Jared lived during the time of the tower of
Babel as recorded in the Old Testament. Jesus did not like the people building
a tower to get to heaven. Building a tower did not represent the true way we
get to heaven. All the members of the Godhead only speak the truth and they all
desire us to return to our Heavenly Father (see Ether 3:12). The true way to
heaven is through the covenants and ordinances we make with God, keeping the
commandments, and through the grace and atonement of Jesus Christ, not building
a tower. God loves his children and he doesn’t like it when people are leading
others away from him by doing wicked things. God changed the people’s language
so that they could not speak to each other and finish the tower. The Brother of
Jared prayed to not have their language changed, and Jesus taught his family
and friends about the Promised Land. The Brother of Jared and his people, who
would later be known as the Jaredites, built barges to cross the ocean but they
had no way to have light in them. When the Brother of Jared was seeking Jesus’
help with this problem he saw the finger of the Lord touch the stones to make
them light up. The Brother of Jared was surprised because he didn’t know God
had a body. When Jesus saw his surprise, he asked him why he was surprised and
he responded that it was because he didn’t know that God had a body. The
Brother of Jared asked Jesus to show himself to him. Because of his faith, he
was able to see God (see Ether 3:17). We too can come to know the Savior. He is
the Son of God and a member of the Godhead. The Godhead consists of Heavenly
Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost has a special job. We
can’t really come to know Jesus without the help of the Holy Ghost. Coming to
know the Savior is more than just learning about his life and his power. It’s
about believing and following what he said to do.
Testify: Share your testimony of God the Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Testify of experiences where you have felt the
truthfulness of who Jesus is, and what he does by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Teaching Hint: Act out the story. Have your children
find some rocks or something you can pretend is a rock. Make your bed the barge
and pretend that you are crossing a mighty ocean on it. Put a sheet over
everyone and say that the barges didn’t have light then ask, “How will we get light?” Pretend
you are the brother of Jared and that you will molten stones and have Jesus
touch them and make them glow. Tell the story when you return with the stones
of how you saw Jesus finger and then he showed himself to you. After you are
finished acting out the story share any experiences that were helpful to you in
coming to know who the Savior is and how you know he is our Savior and
Redeemer. Share how you knew the Holy Ghost testifying the truth of who Jesus
is to you. Older children will be able to take on the role of the Bother of
Jared. Let them read Ether 3 and get prepared for the role before the lesson
Ask: How can you come to know the Savior Jesus Christ?
is Jesus different from Heavenly Father?
does the Holy Ghost help us learn about Jesus?
is Jesus the same as Heavenly Father?
Study Journal: What did you learn about the Godhead
today? Follow up on the goal you set last lesson. If your child shows they are
ready to move to the next goal, have them pray about any truth taught in the
lesson they are uncertain about.
Closing Testimony and Invitation for
Children to Bear Testimony: I
know that Jesus is the Son of God and the God of the Old Testament. In the Name
of Jesus Christ amen.
is an appropriate time for children to share their thoughts and feelings about
what they have learned. As you seek the Spirit you can be directed as to the
time when it is appropriate to invite your children to testify. Possible invitations
are as follows:
you share your testimony now or later?
you share your testimony about Jesus Christ?
Closing Prayer: Express gratitude that the Spirit of the
Lord has been present, and for what you have learned.
Adaptions for small
children (0-3/non-verbal)
the opening song: The Holy Ghost, Children’s Songbook pg. 105
a simple prayer: Pray to
invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for
of true doctrinal principals:
God has a body of flesh and bone. We can be like him someday.
Testify: I know God has a body and that he will
make our bodies perfect.
Hint: Be sure to smile
because this is a happy message. Do the Hokey Pokey with them and tell them
that their bodies are wonderful blessings from god that we need to learn how to
take care of. We need to eat right and exercise to keep our bodies strong.
put your right foot in
take your right foot out
put your right foot in
you shake it all about
do the hokey pokey
you turn yourself around
what it’s all about
put your left foot in
take your left foot out
put your left foot in
you shake it all about
do the hokey pokey
you turn yourself around
what it’s all about
put your right hand in
take your right hand out
put your right hand in
you shake it all about
do the hokey pokey
you turn yourself around
what it’s all about
You put your left hand in
You take your left hand out
You put your left hand in
And you shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And your turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
You put your whole self in
You take your whole self out
You put your whole self in
And you shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
Ask: Do you believe God has a body?
Do you believe God can make your body
Journal: Write their
responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught. Have a goal to help your young child recognize what a gift and
blessing their body is. You can share little comments like: “Your Heavenly
Father has blessed you to be able to run, blink, breath or speak.” There is
always something they can be thankful for in their bodies. Repeat your testimony of God having a body
Closing Testimony and Invitation for
Children to Bear Testimony: I
know that God the Father and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone and
that the Holy Ghost has a Spirit body. In the Name of Jesus Christ amen.
is an appropriate time for children to share their thoughts and feelings about
what they have learned. As you encourage the sharing of their thoughts and
feelings they are being prepared to share their testimony. Confirm the
truthfulness of what they have said and that learning these things by the power
of the Holy Ghost is the beginning of gaining a testimony.
Closing Prayer: Express gratitude that the Spirit of the
Lord has been present, and for what you have learned.
#3 The Godhead: Heavenly Father
for Parents
Prayerfully review lesson material while considering the needs of your
children. Prepare any materials you will need.
Review: Read
the doctrinal summary of the Godhead provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: President Gordon B.
Hinckley, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Ensign,
Nov. 1986.”
Sing an
opening song: The Miracle
written by Shawna Edwards 2014 or To
Think about Jesus, Primary Children’s Songbook, p. 71.
Pray to
invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of the
Ascension/The Godhead:
Read: Jesus testified of God his Father in Heaven who was both
the father of his body and spirit. Angels and his disciples also testified of
his Divine Sonship and power (See Matthew 16:16). The scriptures teach us that Jesus
has all power (See 2 Nephi 26:12-13) and we can trust in him and his infinite
atonement (See Mosiah 4:6-8). Christ was perfectly obedient to his Father, and
because he was, we can perfectly rely on his direction and power. There is no
trial he does not understand. There is no pain or injury we suffer that he
doesn’t know how to heal (see 3 Nephi 17 8-25). He has the power to lift our understanding,
and either remove, or give us the power to bear our burdens. Whenever you are
in need of comfort, or you have questions that you need God to answer, you can
go to your Heavenly Father in prayer. Just as you can know that the Book of
Mormon is true, you can know of all the truths of God as you seek for help with
a sincere and honest heart. You will be able to receive his help because of
Jesus Christ and the atoning sacrifice that he performed (See Moroni 10:4-5). Jesus
said he was living water. If we drink of His living water, we will never thirst
again. We partake of his living water when we make and keep sacred covenants. If
you feel sad, mad, or scared, he can change those feeling to happy, calm, and
comforted when we ask for help in prayer and keep our covenants.
Testify: Share how your testimony of the atonement of the Lord
Jesus Christ has helped you to overcome challenges and feel clean again.
Teaching Hint: It is a good idea to let children say
what they know and encourage them as they learn to testify. If you notice they
are feeling the Holy Ghost, help them recognize/identify that feeling. An
object lesson that may help them understand how Christ is like water is to have
children help you take care of a plant or garden. Show pictures of a plant that
doesn’t get enough water. Then help them understand that just like the plant
needs water we need Jesus. Everyday we need to have time with him and we are
taking time to be with him when we learn about Him and His gospel.
Ask: What do angels do to help us know Jesus Christ?
is a testimony?
you like to share your testimony of Jesus Christ?
Study Journal: What did you learn about the Godhead/Jesus
today? An appropriate goal for this lesson would be to have children pray to
know that Jesus is the son of God and help them recognize the answer. The
answer may come quickly or slowly depending on the lesson or attribute the Lord
desires them to acquire
so be patient and sensitive to not push getting an answer right away.
Closing Testimony and Invitation for
Children to Bear Testimony: I
know that Jesus has the power to heal us according to the timing and will of
the Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ amen.
is an appropriate time for children to share their thoughts and feelings about
what they have learned. As you seek the Spirit you can be directed as to the
time when it is appropriate to invite your children to testify. Possible invitations
are as follows:
you share your testimony now or later?
you share your testimony about Jesus Christ?
Closing Prayer: Express gratitude that the Spirit of the
Lord has been present, and for what you have learned.
Adaptions for small children
the opening song: The Miracle written by Shawna Edwards 2014 or To Think about Jesus, Primary Children’s Songbook, p. 71.
a simple prayer: Pray to
invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for
of true doctrinal principals:
Jesus felt and knows all your troubles, illness, and sad times. He will help
you feel better
Testify: I know that Jesus can help you feel
Hint: Show the children
a bandaide. Have you ever had a hurt that you needed a band aide for? Did it
get better? Explain that while we do things to help our bodies Jesus makes our
hurts heal. Show them a scar or wound that has healed and teach them that our
bodies heal because God made them that way.
Ask: Do you believe Jesus can heal you?
Do you believe you can heal?
Journal: Write their
responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught. A good goal
would be to mention the next time you notice that God healed someone.
Testimony and Invitation for Children to Bear Testimony: I know that Jesus has the power to heal
us according to the timing and will of the Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ
This is an appropriate time for children
to share their thoughts and feelings about what they have learned. As you
encourage the sharing of their thoughts and feelings they are being prepared to
share their testimony. Confirm the truthfulness of what they have said and that
learning these things by the power of the Holy Ghost is the beginning of
gaining a testimony.
Prayer: Express
gratitude that the Spirit of the Lord has been present, and for what you have
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