As I was pondering what this new mom/old lady could tell you today that would make food storage for your family better and exciting this is what came to mind; one of the things I think everybody that stores food ought to remember is that if you don't have it on hand when a crisis hits you're not going to have it! And a crisis can be anything from losing a job, being so ill you can't leave your house to shop, natural disasters, war and any other unexpected event. So what does that mean for food storage? You need to store things that are fun for your family to eat and drink! As part of our normal food storage we have hot cocoa, a fruit drink, chocolate chips, pure maple syrup, honey, an assortment of dried fruits and anything that we need to order to make some of our family's favorite treats. When you need to make a meal that you may feel like your family will whine and cry about because it's dried beans and rice make them chocolate chip cookies to go with it and it's going to be a great meal! I personally love beans and rice it is especially good if you have some nice canned salsa to go with it. If you are just starting your food storage don't go crazy when the chocolate chips are on sale at the grocery store just picked up an extra bag and put it in your freezer. It is amazing how just a small little treat can help you through a hard time.
In addition to having these things you need to have excellent recipes. I recommend to you one of my favorite websites for food. our best They have some really fun recipes! They also have their own cookbook if you like to collect cookbooks I would recommend you get one. One of the things these gals do best is their cookies. I have made some excellent beautiful cookies from their website. In fact I made over 400 cookies for my stepsons wedding and many of them came from this website. They were part of a cookie bar dessert table and they weren't just good they were beautiful. I was able to make a few batches a day and freeze them a couple weeks before the wedding. We actually lived on the leftovers of those cookies for months! Freezers are excellent for cookies. They are also great to pull out when you don't have time to make dinner more exciting when it is leftover surprise!
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