This is important to understand and with a proper doctrinal framework, then it will be easier for children and parents to approach this subject.
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we believe in the doctrine of Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration. We also have an article of faith #9 that teaches, “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” As such, we know that Polygamy was practiced anciently and Joseph Smith, as a dispensational father, had the responsibility to usher in the dispensation of the fullness of times. This meant if there was a true doctrine and practice that existed anciently, then according to God’s will and timing, it had to be again practiced in our dispensation. Living in the dispensation of the fullness of times also means that in addition to living every true and ancient practice as revealed through our prophet, we will need to live all that God desires to reveal. This means new truths will be taught and restored through proper priesthood keys and channels.
The Prophet, President Nelson has clearly stated that we live in a church that believes in the continuous restoration. This has corrected the understanding of many Church members. What is important in this issue is to understand what the real issue is. The issue isn’t about polygamy and how it was introduced and that those required to live it struggled too. The issue is when we do not have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ our spiritual foundations are easily shaken when taught hard yet true doctrine.
For a long time we have had a behavioral approach to gospel instruction, and while there can be a lot of good accomplished with that method, we cannot properly introduce more crowning doctrines like these with enough spiritual depth that way. Gaining a bedrock understanding and testimony of the nine basic doctrines is crucial to our success in melting away the issues that arise when our fallen nature is asked to understand celestial law.
The real issue is we have triggered an entire generation of parents who do not have testimonies of the basic doctrines or the practice of polygamy so introducing those truths to their children is quite uncomfortable or even traumatic. The solution is simple, put Moroni’s challenge to the test and find out for yourself if the principle is true and then God will bless you, in His time and way, with an understanding and answer through His Spirit.
We also need to understand that the Lord is hastening His work and we no longer have the luxury of time to linger in our doubts. Children are being exposed at an alarming rate, due to access to the internet, to false teachings and anti material. There are people in your own communities that are teaching and attending classes on how to destroy the faith of members of our Church. The only defense is to know by the power of the Holy Ghost the truth of all things, because no person regardless of their intelligence or social ranking, can equal an answer from heaven.
We can take comfort that we have a loving Heavenly Father that does everything for our benefit and eternal progress. We have a living prophet who desires the same, and we don’t have to worry about this Church, His Church. All we need to do is gain a bedrock understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ and take every challenge to God in prayer, grow in the principle of revelation and serve others. It is simple, and happy. Why not invite children to do the same?