Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Priesthood Power and Healing Blessings

 This is a picture of a chair we use when participating in healing blessings. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints one receives blessing of healing by the laying on of hands. This means that one or more worthy male members, who have been ordained to the higher Melchizedek priesthood, anoints the individual with oil, by placing a very small drop of that consecrated oil on their head. They then place their hands upon the individuals head and seal that anointing by the power of the priesthood and pronounce a blessing as prompted by the Holy Ghost. The priesthood bearer when inspired by the Holy Ghost then has the ability to speak the healing words of Christ. (For more information see https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2010/04/healing-the-sick?lang=eng)

I have received many such blessings and I am always amazed that in every instance there is a positive change. Sometimes I have physically felt better immediately, other times I am prompted to seek proper medical attention in order to continue the healing process as the Lord directs. Yet regardless of the counsel I receive in that blessing my heart is lifted and I feel the love of my Savior and Heavenly Father.

One thing is also certain through these sacred experiences and this is that the holy priesthood power is a real force. Every time a blessing is extended to me I feel God’s love for me and His desire to bring His heavenly light and healing into my life, if I am willing to ask for it. I know He will do this same thing for all of His children. So remember that if life is dark and difficult, look to Christ and invite His help and healing through Priesthood power.

