Dyers Woad is a noxious weed. This dreaded flowering plant grows so vigorously that the efforts to get rid of it have been organized and intense. Did you know that it had a purpose that was good? The root of this plant is one of the strongest known herbal antiviral. Harvested in the Fall, the roots contain the greatest concentration of its medicinal properties. Who knew that this terrible weed could have helped with those that are struggling with colds and sicknesses of a viral nature.
Locally, you can see this plant pretty much everywhere in the valley I live in. I have heard neighbors recently complain about its infestation. It is surprising to learn that this noxious weed has the ability to heal. How ironic that during the pandemic global proportions when antivirals were becoming harder and harder to get, they were with us all along. 
With that said, have you ever thought your greatest trial viewed with proper perspective may become your greatest asset in providing the strength we need to face the struggles we have in life? Sometimes I have viewed my hardships as being quite unfair… now I’ve come to understand that when we forgive a debt owed by another who is harmed us, we receive compensating gifts from the Lord. Those gifts then accelerate our progression along the covenant path. Sometimes the very source of our burden becomes the vehicle by which we can have a better life. Because of the Savior, Jesus Christ, everything wrong and unfair deed will be made up. There is no stronger source of healing. He is the healing that comes with every trial if we are will to see Him there. Trusting in Him, and in Him promises will uncover blessings within the tragedy. 