“A dispensation is a period of time when the Lord reveals His doctrines, ordinances, and priesthood. It is a period in which the Lord has at least one authorized servant on the earth who bears the holy priesthood and who has a divine commission to dispense the gospel and to administer the ordinances thereof. Today we are living in the last dispensation—the dispensation of the fulness of times, which began with the revelation
of the gospel to Joseph Smith.
Previous dispensations are identified with Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ. In addition, there have been other dispensations, including those among the Nephites and the Jaredites. The plan of salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ have been revealed and taught in every dispensation.
When people turn away from the principles of the gospel and do not have priesthood keys, they are in a state of apostasy.
Periods of general apostasy have occurred throughout the history of the world. One example is the Great Apostasy, which occurred after the Savior established His Church (see 2 Thessalonians 2:1–3). Following the deaths of the Savior’s Apostles, the principles of the gospel were corrupted and unauthorized changes were made in Church organization and priesthood ordinances. Because of this widespread wickedness, the Lord withdrew the authority and keys of the priesthood from the earth.
During the Great Apostasy, people were without divine direction from living prophets. Many churches were established, but they did not have the authority to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost or perform other priesthood ordinances. Parts of the holy scriptures were corrupted or lost, and the people no longer had an accurate understanding of God.
This apostasy lasted until Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son appeared to Joseph Smith and initiated the Restoration of the fulness of the gospel.
The Restoration is God’s reestablishment of the truths and ordinances of His gospel among His children on the earth (see Acts 3:19–21).
In preparation for the Restoration, the Lord raised up noble men during what is called the Reformation. They attempted to return religious doctrine, practices, and organization to the way the Savior had established them. They did not, however, have the priesthood or the fulness of the gospel.
The Restoration began in 1820 when God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in response to his prayer (see Joseph Smith—History 1:15–20). Some of the key events of the Restoration were the translation of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods, and the organization of the Church on April 6, 1830.
The Aaronic Priesthood was restored to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by John the Baptist on May 15, 1829. The Melchizedek Priesthood and keys of the kingdom were also restored in 1829, when the Apostles Peter, James, and John conferred them upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.
The fulness of the gospel has been restored, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30). The Church will eventually fill the whole earth and stand forever.
Related references: Isaiah 29:13–14; Ezekiel 37:15–17; Ephesians 4:11–14; James 1:5–6”
© 2009, 2013 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. English approval: 10/12. Translation approval: 10/12. Translation of Basic Doctrines. Language. PD00010275 000
Lesson #1 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: President Gordon B. Hinckley, “At the Summit of the Ages,” Conference Report Oct. 1999, p. 74.
Sing an opening song: Dare to Do Right, Children’s Songbook p. 158.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration Tabernacle/Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration.
Read: The Restoration of the gospel occurred in New York. Joseph Smith wanted to know which Church he should join and in answer to his prayers God the Father and Jesus Christ his son visited him (see Joseph Smith History 1), but when the saints could not find a safe place to settle in the United States they were led by the Prophet Brigham Young to settle in the west in what we now call Utah. Part of the settling of the west began with Brigham Young sending Church members to various parts of the west to settle a build up communities. Those that stayed in Salt Lake became part of setting up our church headquarters. The tabernacle was where the saints met for Church meetings and is where General Conferences broadcast began (Picture 503 Gospel Art Kit). These General Conferences occur every six months and while they have been moved to the conference center the tabernacle is still used for the tabernacle choir broadcasts.
Testify: I know that God and Jesus Christ came and spoke to Joseph Smith, and that through Joseph God restored His church and led the pioneers to settle the west.
Teaching Hint: This is a great time to speak about how the Lord leads his people. You can talk about the Children of Israel (see Exodus 14). Share times in which members of your family, ancestors or others moved to follow the Lord and his Spirit.
Ask: How did coming west help the saints?
What does the scriptures tell us about the Restoration of the Gospel?
What can we do to further the work of the Lord?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: God brought the Church members to the West to escape those who took away their freedoms. Here the Prophet received further direction on how to organize the Church.
Testify: Share how you know God speaks to prophets and protects his people.
Teaching Hint: Show a picture of the current prophet. If you have access to one of the prophet’s talks on LDS.org have the children watch him speak. Encourage them to listen with their hearts and see how they feel when he is speaking. Share how you feel when the prophet speaks.
Ask: Do you know who this is?
Do you believe that God speaks to prophets?
What did you feel when he was speaking? If necessary give prompts like, “Did you feel happy, warm, peaceful, love”, etc?
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught. You may consider listening to conference talks from the prophet during a meal.
Lesson #2 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: Elder Russell M. Nelson, “Catch The Wave,” Conference Report April 2013, p. 45.
Sing an opening song: Joseph Smith’s First Prayer, Hymn #26.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of Joseph Smith with pages of revelations in his hand/Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration:
Read: It is the pattern of God to call a Prophet and organize his Church. He has followed that pattern in every Dispensation. Even though Joseph was going to restore the Church and be the prophet (Picture 401 Gospel Art Kit) (see Joseph Smith History 1”11-20). The Restoration of the gospel has provided us with an unbroken chain of revelation through the sixteen prophets who have served faithfully since God again opened the heavens and began to speak to men again (see D&C 1) (Picture 507 Gospel Art Kit).
Testify: Share how you know that the restoration of the gospel happened and how you have felt that God has been speaking to his prophets.
Teaching Hint: This is a great opportunity to share stories about the Lord’s prophets starting with Joseph Smith until today. If you are not sure what to share the gospel art kit has information about prophets on the back of their pictures. This resource if available online and if you click on the picture you will see an option to read the back of the picture.
Ask: Why do we need prophets?
Read Amos 3:7. How does the prophet help us?
What have you learned by listening to a prophet?
Why does God call prophets?
What do prophets do?
What can you do to strengthen your testimony of the prophet?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: God needs prophets to teach the truth. There was a time on earth that the people were being wicked (You may need to define wicked, but make sure you do it in a way that they don’t feel wicked even though they make mistakes sometimes.) and so God took away the prophets. God has now given us prophets again to teach us the truth.
Testify: Share how you know that the restoration of the gospel happened and how you have felt that God has been speaking to his prophets.
Teaching Hint: Show a picture of the current prophet and have children practice saying prophet.
Ask: Do you know who the prophet is? Point again to the picture and ask is it him?
Testify and share that you love to follow the prophet.
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Lesson #3 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: General Conference.”
Sing an opening song:
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of Mormon and the plates on one side and Non-cartoon Illustration of Jesus Ordains his Apostles in both Jerusalem and America on the other side/Dispensation, Apostasy, and Restoration:
Read: Even the Church that Christ established in America following his crucifixion also ended in apostasy (See 3 Nephi 15: 1-13, Moroni 2:1-3, Apostasy on the American Continent was completed with the destruction of the Nephites Moroni 1:1-4) (Picture 319 Gospel Art Kit). The Great Apostasy is the time period where there was a falling away from the truth. For a time God withheld the priesthood, and his doctrine. When he withdrew his priesthood men no longer had authority to preform the saving ordinances such as baptism or organize his church (see Isa 60:2, Gal. 3:1).
Testify: Share how you know there was a falling away from the truth and that is why God had to restore the Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Teaching Hint: This is a great opportunity to use light as an object lesson. Prepare a room that can go totally dark to be a place that represents the absence of gospel light. Have a flashlight ready so that you can turn it on and talk to the Children about how Christ is the light. Turn the light off and say without Christ things are dark. Turn on the flashlight and talk about the light of Christ, which existed during the time of the Apostasy for all those who tried to do what was right and follow God. Then share that only when God and Jesus Christ came to Joseph Smith was the power restored to organize his church. Then turn on the lights in the room. Testify that because Jesus restored his Church through Joseph Smith we now have a place to come to know Jesus through the covenants and ordinances we make and keep with him.
Ask: What spiritual truths were lost in the apostasy?
When the priesthood is not on the earth what happens to the ordinances in the Church? What can we do to show gratitude that the great Apostasy is over and the truth is on earth once more?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: Jesus is the Light of the World and the Church. When people don’t want light they choose darkness. There was a time on earth where the people wanted to be bad and choose dark so God took away the gospel and it’s light. We live in a time when God brought the Gospel back and we can find the entire gospel light we need.
Testify: Share your testimony of how God takes away light of the gospel from people who want to be bad. Share how we live in a time where we can have great light.
Teaching Hint: Use the same object lesson as little for older children, but do not worry about being in a totally dark room. You do not want to do anything that will purposely create an environment in which the little children will become afraid, doing so will make it difficult for them to feel the presence of the Holy Ghost teaching them the truth.
Ask: Do you believe that Jesus is the Light of the World and the Church?
What can we do to have Jesus’ light everyday? Share how their efforts to listen to the scriptures and saying prayers helps to bring in the gospel light to your home.
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Lesson #4 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: President Henry B. Eyring, “Walk With Me” Conference Report, April 2017, p. 82.
Sing an opening song: Follow the Prophet, Children’s songbook, p.110.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of Enoch/Dispensation, Apostasy, and Restoration:
Read: The scriptures teach us that Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, as well as Joseph Smith were all fathers of their dispensations (see . Enoch and all dispensation fathers have responsibilities to bring about the fulness of the gospel after an apostasy. Enoch is an ancient prophet (He lived in the time of the Old Testament) (see Moses 6:26-68) and his people grew in righteousness to a point that they were translated. To be translated means that their bodies were changed so that they could not die and they also could live in the presence of God (Picture 120 Gospel Art Kit). Enoch’s entire city was taken to heaven to live with God because of their righteousness. One day the city of Enoch will return to the earth (see Moses 7:13-21). We sing about that day in the hymn #41, Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise.
Testify: Share your testimony and confidence that we can repent and become the people God needs us to become. Share how we live in a time where the gospel will never be taken off the earth again and if we choose the Lord we will be given great blessings.
Teaching Hint: Share a time in your life where you changed to follow the prophet’s counsel. This will help children recognize that change will be required of them their whole lives. When they understand that change is necessary always they will become more adaptable and change will be an easier concept to apply. This ability to deal with change will help them be prepared for the ever-changing world they live in.
Ask: What is special about Enoch’s dispensation?
What can we learn about the blessings God has for us from Enoch’s people?
What can you do now to better follow the prophet?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: Prophets help us understand God’s commandments, (which are rules Heavenly Father gave us to live by) and know what we need to do to repent. Enoch was a prophet and head of a Dispensation. He lived a long time ago and he helped his people repent. They had such great faith that miracles happened to protect them. They got to live with Heavenly Father again.
Testify: Testify that you know that if people will repent they can have great blessings like the people of Enoch.
Teaching Hint: Teaching children doctrinal vocabulary can happen at an early age. Repeating phrases is a great way for the children to start learning gospel terms. Whenever you come across a word they do not know just try repeating it with them.
Ask: Can you say dispensation? Can you say Enoch?
Do you believe Heavenly Father wants you to come home with him again?
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Lesson #5 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “A Voice of Warning,” Conference Report, April 2017 p. 108.
Sing an opening song: We Thank thee O God for a Prophet, Hymn #19.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of Noah with the wicked people and Noah and the Arch/Dispensation, Apostasy, and Restoration.
Read: Dispensations represent a time where God’s Priesthood, doctrine and ordinances are on the Earth. The scriptures teach us that Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, as well as Joseph Smith were all fathers of their dispensations. Noah’s dispensation ended in apostasy. Apostasy means a falling away from the truth. Noah’s family and the animals of the earth were protected during the flooding of the whole earth and God promised Noah that he would never flood the earth again. God keeps his promises (Picture 103 Gospel Art Kit).
Teaching Hint: Sometimes you can teach an entirely different doctrine with the exact same scripture story. For example the basic doctrine Prophets and Revelation is a perfect fit as well. Older children will be able to find other doctrines in the same scripture stories illustrated in this book once they have sufficient understanding of the basic doctrine. In fact it will show you that they comprehend the doctrines if they are able to find and apply them in different scripture stories.
Using Noah to teach Prophets and Revelation
Read: God always reveals his will to prophets and in turn they teach God’s will to his children. Noah was a Prophet and a Dispensation Father. Noah was diligent in teaching the word of the Lord to his people, but they were not obedient to that teaching. Eventually God commanded Noah to build an ark and prepare for a flood that would cover the whole earth [Picture 102 Gospel Art Kit]. Noah’s family were the only ones that were spared alive, yet it is Noah that has the privilege of announcing to Mary that she had been chosen to bear Jesus Christ. God is always merciful, kind and just. God was merciful to those who didn’t survive the flood because they would no longer be allowed to sin and pass those sins on to their posterity making their eternal reward much worse, and he was merciful to all the generations that would follow after the flood because Heavenly Father’s children, who waiting for the time where they could come to earth, would be sent to parents who were willing to follow the prophet.
Testify: Share how God always has a loving purpose to all that he does. Share your testimony of how God’s mercy is a protection to others and us.
Teaching Hint: Have the children gather any toy animals and make an ark where they and their toy animals can go. This could be a giant box, a pillow fort, or just on top of your bed. Teach the lesson “inside your ark”.
Ask: What did Noah have to do be a good prophet when his people were being bad?
How did God show kindness and mercy to Noah and his family?
How did God show mercy to the people who died in the flood and to his children who were waiting for their chance to come to earth?
What can we do to come to understand God and his mercy?
How can we do what is right even when others are doing wrong things?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Dispensations Apostasy and Restoration Questions
Teaching Hint: Children may not know what the word sustain means. Take time to share how we raise our right hand to declare that we will sustain those called to church positions in General Conference and during Stake Conference. Tell them that sustaining is more than raising your hand it is following what they say so that we can help Jesus as well as others.
Ask: What were some of the things that happened in Noah’s Dispensation?
What can we learn from what happened then?
What can we do to help and sustain the prophet of the church?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration today? How are prophets connected to this doctrine?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: Noah was a prophet and a Dispensation Father and he received a revelation to build an arch. God saved Noah and his family because they were righteous, but the rest of the people who lived in his time was wicked and were not saved.
Testify: That God protects the righteous.
Teaching Hint: Use the same teaching hint as you did for the older children.
Ask: What does a father do? (Share how a dispensation father is similar but that he leads an entire period of time and he is responsible to help many children of God.)
What is an arch? (Refer back to the picture of the arch.)
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Lesson #6 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: Elder Howard W. Hunter, “God Will Have a Tried People” Conference Report April 1980.
Sing an opening song: I Thank Thee, Dear Father, Children’s Songbook p.7.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of Abraham being rescued by an angel and Abraham being rescued from sacrificing Isaac/Dispensation, Apostasy, and Restoration.
Read: (Picture 104 Gospel Art Kit). Abraham also lived in a time of Apostasy. The people in his time were very wicked. Abraham was placed on a sacrificial alter and right before he was to be killed he was saved by Jehovah (Jehovah is the name for Jesus Christ in the Old Testament) (See Abraham 1:12-19). When Abraham was made a Dispensation Father he was given the Priesthood, ordinances, covenants and doctrines of the kingdom. God also promised him a great posterity. Posterity is all the children that follow after you through the generations. Abraham had Isaac and the Lord asked him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. God provided a test to see that Abraham would be willing to give God whatever he asked of him. When Abraham showed that he would be obedient to God’s commandments he was stopped by an angel and told his offering was acceptable (Genesis 22:2-18). Abraham’s seed or posterity was given certain privileges to inherit the richest blessings of the gospel. These promises are extended to those who are his actual descendants as well as those adopted by entering the covenants of the Church. When you join the church you gain the promises of the Abrahamic covenant (Galatians 3:26-29). The Abrahamic covenant includes the priesthood and all the blessings and responsibilities that come through it, as well as the inheritance of the celestial kingdom if we are righteous.
Testify: Share how we need to be willing to give God whatever he asks of us. Share that God promises us to give us all he has if we are obedient to his commandments and covenants.
Teaching Hint: The temptation when we come across scriptures stories that have very difficult lessons is to skip over them. Yet these are important lessons for we are told through modern prophets that we must all be “tried even as Abraham” (see D&C 101:4). Introducing these stories as the scriptures tell them and using words of living prophets to support these stories will help bring a clarification through the Spirit. It is important to understand the principle for ourselves and then we will have power given to us to teach that principle to others. It is also important that young children learn that at times they must sacrifice things that they want in order to follow the Lord. Help relate this story to sacrifices that you are asking them to make to keep the Sabbath day holy.
Ask: What was difficult about Abraham’s dispensation?
What promises was Abraham given?
What do the promises that Abraham was given have to do with us?
What can you do to get the same blessings Abraham was given through the Abrahamic covenant?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: God sometimes asks us to do hard things. These things are called sacrifices. Can you say sacrifices? Whatever God asks is right and we need to trust him. Even though God saved Abraham from being sacrificed by wicked men he asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. God saved Abraham both times. He didn’t want him to sacrifice his son. He only wanted to see if Abraham would be obedient. God gave Abraham great blessing for him and his children because he was willing to do what God asked.
Testify: I know God sometimes wants us to sacrifice things we want so he can give us something better.
Teaching Hint: For toddlers this is a great time to bring up being reverent in sacrament meeting. Perhaps having a child understand that their favorite toy may not help them to be reverent at church. Find a quiet book or an activity book that will help them focus on Jesus and the scriptures and teaching of the Church. Keep these toys special by only bringing them out on Sunday so that children look forward to playing with them.
Ask: What can you give to Jesus?
If Jesus asked you to do something hard would you do it?
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Lesson #7 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “You Matter to Him” Conference Report October 2011, p. 19.
Sing an opening song: Faith, Children’s Songbook p. 96.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Non-cartoon Illustration of Moses and the Burning Bush and Moses with the Ten Commandments /Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration:
Read: Read: Moses was raised as a Prince of Egypt, but he was the son of Hebrew slaves. His mother saved him when the Pharaoh ordered that all baby boys be killed. This was similar to the execution order that King Herod issued during Jesus childhood (see Matthew 2:16). Prophets are to be a witness for Christ to the entire world. Moses mother put him in a basket and hid him in the reeds to escape execution (see Exodus 1:22, 2:3-11). Later Moses, who had been exiled from Egypt, was taught by Jehovah (Jesus Christ) of his mission to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt and he delivered his people by the power of God (Picture 107 Gospel Art Kit). He was also to be a Dispensation Father and help to bring the children of Israel out of the state of spiritual apostasy through the teaching of the gospel and bringing again the possibility for priesthood authority and covenants. He led his people in the wilderness and though Moses had the priesthood his dispensation also ended in apostasy (see D&C 84:23-25). The people lost the rights to the Higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood due to wickedness and Moses was taken from the midst, but before he was taken he ordained his brother Aaron to the lower priesthood, which gave the people the necessary commandments and ordinances to prepare for the higher priesthood (See D&C 107: 1,6, 10) (Picture 108 Gospel Art Kit).
Testify: Share your testimony of the blessings you felt from keeping your baptismal covenants and how they prepared you or are preparing you for your temple covenants.
Teaching Hint: Give lots of encouragement when they come up with a plan to be good. Look for ways they are good during the day and tell them you noticed the good things they did and you are proud of them.
Ask: What happened to the priesthood in Moses’ Dispensation?
What happened to the people in Moses’ time? How does the Aaronic priesthood help us prepare for the temple?
What should you do to understand the blessings the priesthood gives us?
What can you do to prepare to do baptisms in the temple when you are 12?
What was different about Moses’ Dispensation?
Why is it a bad idea to be wicked?
What blessing do we loose when we are wicked?
What blessings do we get when we are righteous?
What will you do to be a better boy or girl?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: Moses was the father of another dispensation. He helped people to receive the 10 commandments because they were not righteous enough to have the temple at that time. We live in a time when we can go to temples. We can be together forever because of the covenants we make in temples.
Testify: Share how you know we can learn from those who lived before and make better choices. Also emphasize the importance of preparing to go the temple.
Teaching Hint: If you can attend a temple open house these are wonderful times to introduce children to the wonderful spirit found in the temple. Also pictures of temples are available online and can help you in explaining the special spirit that is in the Lord’s house and the wonderful promises we make there.
Ask: What do you feel when you see the temple? Share your feelings
Can you help me find Moses? Have children point to Moses in the picture.
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Additional doctrine Lesson on Priesthood and Priesthood Keys using the same illustration of Moses
Non-cartoon Illustration of Priesthood and Priesthood Keys. Jesus ordaining his Apostles, Peter James and John Restoring the Melchizedek Priesthood, John the Baptist Restoring the Aaronic Priesthood and Elijah restoring the sealing power.
Read: Jesus was also a Dispensational Father and was called to fulfill the Law of Moses and bring the higher law to the people [Picture 209 Gospel Art Kit]. The Law of Moses required animal sacrifice as a symbol of Jesus’s sacrifice of his life. Since Christ had died he ended the practice of animal sacrifice and instead required that we give a broken heart and contrite spirit. In other words we are willing to be humble and follow the teachings of Jesus. Using Priesthood Keys Jesus established the Church in Jerusalem (see Ephesians 2:20) and to the people of the Book of Mormon in the land Bountiful. He gave his Apostles in America the Keys of the Priesthoods so they could have power to baptize and preform saving ordinances. Priesthood Keys are necessary to establish a dispensation and bring the people out of apostasy. The Restoration of the gospel required that these keys are restored in our day. The priesthood keys give people the opportunities to partake of the blessings God has to give to them in this life and in eternity. (See the Living Christ)
Testify: Share how you know that Jesus Christ had power and authority to establish His gospel in His Dispensation.
Teaching Hint: Bring out a set of keys. Talk about how keys give you power to do things like open doors and start cars. Explain that without priesthood keys we cannot open the access to God’s covenants or enter into his kingdom.
Ask: What do priesthood keys allow priesthood holders to do?
What does the Lord mean when he says he requires a broken heart and a contrite Spirit? How do I show that I want to be a humble follower of Jesus?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Priesthood and Priesthood Keys today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song: An Angel Came to Joseph Smith, Children’s Songbook, p.86.
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: Jesus had priesthood keys that gave him the authority to establish the gospel and call apostles.
Testify: Share how you know that Jesus calls apostles in our day too.
Teaching Hint: Use the same hint for the older children. Have the children hold the keys.
Ask: What do keys do? Share how they help us to open doors and start cars
What are priesthood keys? Share how they open heaven’s blessings for us.
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.
Lesson #8 Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration: Preparation for Parents
Pray: Prayerfully review lesson material as you consider the needs of your children.
Review: Read the doctrinal Summary of the Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration provided in the beginning of this section.
Read or listen to: Elder David A. Bednar, “Ask in Faith” Conference Report, April 2008 p. 94.
Sing an opening song: Praise to the Man, Hymn #27.
Pray to invite the Spirit into your lesson:
Show Artwork: Moroni appearing to Joseph, Joseph receiving the plates from Moroni, Oliver Cowdery arrives to assist in the translation/Dispensation, Apostasy, and Restoration.
Read: It would take years of training from Moroni, the prophet who buried the plates, before Joseph would be ready (see Joseph Smith History 1:21-54) (Picture 404, Gospel Art Kit). When the plates were finally delivered to Joseph (Picture 406 Gospel Art Kit), Oliver Cowdery was sent by the Lord to help Joseph translate the plates (see Joseph Smith History 1:55-67) (Picture 416 Gospel Art Kit). What Joseph Smith learned while translating the Book of Mormon helped him to receive further scripture such as the Doctrine and Covenants. The revelations contained in the Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine in Covenants also helped to restore the doctrines of Christ to the earth. Joseph Smith became the final Dispensation Father. We live in the dispensation of the fulness of times (see D&C 27:13). We have received the doctrine of Christ found in all prior dispensations as well as knowledge that has never been revealed such as the priesthood being extended to all worthy males (see Doctrine and Covenants Official Declaration #2). There will still be more revelations revealed in our day through the sacred channel of the Priesthood Keys held by the Prophet of the Church (see Articles of Faith 1:9).
Testify: Share your testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Teaching Hint: This would be a great time to introduce to your children how they too will need to pray to know that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ and that he was chosen to restore the Gospel on the Earth in our day. Teach them how studying and pondering the scriptures can help to get more of an understanding. Also hymns can help them to feel the truth.
Ask: What have you learned from the Book of Mormon?
How can you know that Joseph Smith was the prophet the Lord called to translate the golden plates into the Book of Mormon?
What is special about the time we live in which is called the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times (the time period that we live in)?
How will new revelations for the Church come?
Study Journal: What did you learn about Dispensations, Apostasy, and Restoration today?
Adaptions for small children (0-3/non-verbal)
Sing the opening song:
Say a simple prayer: Pray to invite the Spirit to teach you and your children the truths God desires for you.
Statements of true doctrinal principals: Joseph Smith is the Father of the Last Dispensation. We will help prepare the way for the Second coming of Christ (see Articles of Faith 1:10). God will teach us important truths through our prophet today.
Testify: Share how you know that we are part of the last dispensation that will prepare the way for the second coming of Christ.
Teaching Hint: Have your child try to say the Dispensation of the Fullness of times. Have them practice saying Joseph Smith. Encourage all honest efforts.
Ask: Do you believe Jesus will come again? Share how you know Jesus will come.
Ask them if they can feel in their heart what you are teaching is true?
Study Journal: Write their responses to the question or spirit that you felt as you taught.