Monday, March 13, 2017

Dear Disney (an open letter in regards to the controversy of the first Gay character in the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast)

Dear Disney,

First of all I would like to thank you for the years of happiness that you have provided to me as a child and which continues now to my young family. You helped me believe more in myself. You helped me believe that I could accomplish great things even though I was a girl. Your heroines helped me find the hero inside me, and I have tried to live true to that. I have sung your songs and lived with Disney “fanatics” and enjoyed every minute of it. I think one roommate watched Enchanted, in the theaters, about eight times.

I understand that there is quite a lot of controversy with the upcoming Beauty and the Beast live action film and I want you to know that I have felt the pain of that controversy in a deep and personal way. I have dear friends and family who are part of the LGTB community. I love them and I have wept over the loss of those who committed suicide rather than allowing their beauty to continue bless this world. Is it possible that those who struggle with being gay could find hope in this character? I would certainly hope so! Everyone deserves to be treated well and be loved.

Then there is the other side of the debate. I also have friends and family who I would say are deeply religious and committed to God. They are a strength and backbone to their communities. I know those in both groups that selflessly seek to help the next generation to have those principles inside to bless the world. One problem…everyone feels strongly about their beliefs and no one agrees. So what do you do? Quite frankly I feel like if Disney cares enough to get involved in political issues then perhaps they might be interested in a peace offering for those who are rejecting the movie.  I still believe you who have something good to offer, but I am not sure that without my proposal I will feel good about having Disney continue as part of the upbringing of the rising generation.

There is no question that this film will be successful with or without those that refuse to buy tickets because they have felt discomfort in the introduction of a Gay character. Yet it could be the greatest movie of all time!!! It could be the movie that changes everything about movies!!! Quite frankly your Actors and company deserve this opportunity. Your Actors have greatness in them as well as everyone behind the scenes that make movie magic possible. 

Often I see movies that are theatrical versions, extended versions and previous to all the lawsuits, successfully won by your company, there were edited versions. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there is a market for family friendly versions of your movies. Family friendly movies, for this letter's purpose, would avoid cursing, drugs, violence is very limited (appropriate controversy involving the protection of self and others who seek to uphold fair laws etc.) heterosexual relationships that are not chaste in their conduct, and no LGTB behavior. Why not offer both the director’s cut and a family friendly version?

Quite simply by adjusting a few scenes you release two movies instead of one. It also doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the potential for having this be one of the biggest movies ever released, instead of its sacrificial lamb position.  Both parties could be happy if they are willing to accept the fact that people view movies and the world differently. Religious people who are offended by the addition of an adult political stance in a children’s movie like to watch and buy movies just as much as the rest of the world. Shouldn't they be considered as part of the market too? Just because they don't want to constantly be watching things that are against their core principles doesn't mean they won't do the right thing when working with those in any area for which they disagree.

I personally know several that would be elated by introducing a family friendly version to all of your movies, both previously released as well as future collaborations. There are also many who would disagree on what family friendly means but by providing an alternative edited version you now give Americans and lets face most humans what they love...THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE!  It's important to allow them to choose for themselves. Are you brave enough to give them the opportunity? As things stands this will take place anyway.  You will just loose that portion of the market who has had it with compromising what they believe in to be able to enjoy a movie. My suggestion is to make movies more pleasant for everyone. 

Wait it is the day of  the release?!!!! I also understand how much work and effort goes into making a movie, my brother is part of the crews that take months to edit movies to get them to the screen, but if you could just say that there will be a future release to appease the family audience you win again.  Look if Mel Gibson can release two versions of Passion of the Christ to appease those who felt it against their principles to attend “R” rated movies then you can release a different cut too. This is a win-win situation!

So there is my advice that quite frankly I could charge you millions for, but it’s free because I love you and I want you and everyone you work with to feel the appreciation for a lot of hard work and a job well done instead of conflict.


Andrea a mom who sincerely hopes you will take me up on this.
P.S. If anyone know Ellen Degeneres she might be even better to send this to than Disney!