Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It’s time to pray for a miracle and walk away from the pull of popularity!

Growing up I learned quickly that there are those that are popular and there are those that are not. I was not! I was always a little envious of those who were just liked without what seemed to be any effort on their part. One day I was sent by a school publication committee to interview a polished young man with all the privileges of society that could be offered in high school life. He was well dressed and well liked but what surprised me was that he was very nervous and worried about what people would think of him. I found myself reassuring him that what he had to say mattered. All of a sudden I experienced something I had never recognized I had power over popularity and it felt great. It felt great to support an upperclassman in his hour of anxiety. I walked away with a feeling that that young man was important and not at all unlike me. We both were nervous about things and had vulnerabilities and we needed each other to make a difference in our school.

You may wonder what the point to this little story is, I will just tell you. I am confident that if we are so worried about popularity in this presidential race in the United States we have missed the point completely. The best president isn’t the one that can argue the best, or that has the most financial support. The best president isn’t good just because they are a man or a woman. The best president isn’t the one that is a gifted orator with slick promises that are quite frankly out of their control.  The best president is not the one that has the best chance in the polls for beating out the competitor. If we haven’t figured out by now that the media is not an accurate source for information regarding who is best to run our country then I invite you to consider the fact that they could be more interested in what’s popular and exciting verses what is moral and right.  The best president is a president that is willing to stand for the principles upon which this nation was founded; end of story! You may think that is too simple, but let me reassure you that it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass.

It seems to me as I have listened to people’s reasons for choosing one politician over another that we as Americans have forgotten that loyalty and fidelity matter. That honesty and integrity are the basis of trust. Trust is the very essence of what a candidate must have in order to pull off being a good president. I am tired of presidents that care so much about their own self-interests that they ignore the counsel of the wise people in this nation. I am exhausted with all the lies and the threats that if I don’t vote for one "popular" candidate that I am throwing away my vote. I am not throwing away my vote if I select someone I can pledge my support too. I am electing to use my constitutional rite that was made possible by small and simply good people who wanted to ensure I could. I am not a threat to any candidate that is selected for president because I believe in upholding that individual with my prayers and support for their efforts made for the overall good of the people. I am not afraid of being unpopular in my decisions; I only seek to be ethical and honest and to support those of that same character.  I believe in the Abraham Lincolns of the world. Oh where would we be without the traits of nobility that rise up in time of struggle and great need? That is why I am voting for Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn. See

Check out this video for an opportunity to get to know him and where he stands on the issues.

I remember as a grade-schooler saying the pledge of allegiance and my heart soaring with national pride. I believed that America was something greater than just a government, because we were a nation under God. Now it seems that if God is mentioned he has become some kind of insult. What have we allowed to happen to our nation? We do not need to apologize for believing the heritage of our nation. There is no way we would have ever survived as a country without the miracles that made this nation possible. I am not offended if you don’t believe in God, but I would ask that you respect the fact that the founding fathers did believe.

I still believe that miracles happen! I believe in part due to good people who are willing to share positive media where the generosity of strangers comes in and saves another from awful circumstances.  It is in honor of their goodness that I cannot remain silent. I believe that we as American’s have a moral responsibility to uphold men and women of strong moral character to lead this nation. I have been unwilling to choose a candidate until I have seen one that fits these standards. I want to have faith in the American people that they will do what is necessary to vote their conscience.

I strongly desire and pray that citizens, law enforcement, as well as government officials will ensure that the election process is fair and honest. I believe that there are more Americans that are good and honest and want the best for their fellow citizens. I also believe that goodness in people has power over popularity. I know that goodness defeats evil if we are brave enough to stand up for it! I want to believe that we will not just trust our own intellect but we wisdom will pray as the bible says in James 1:5 for the guidance of heaven in assisting us to know if the decisions we have made are in accordance with the will of God, because we are a nation under Him. We owe this nation our allegiance and support, not the nation portrayed through the "popular" media but the true identity of our nation. The nation that is United for the good of the people. I am not naive enough to believe we don’t need a miracle to occur for the sake of our nation. I am also not too proud to ask for your help! Please believe in and pray for miracles!  Join with me and believe that miracles have not ceased! I invite all people and ask that any who read this will assist us with your faith in God to pray for our fellow countrymen, and if this is not your country that you pray for America to be able to see through the mists of lies and vote for people of moral character in this election.

Thank you,
