Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The "Ladder Approach" to New Years Resolutions of Fitness

I recognize that I haven’t posted a blog for some time. I have been really busy with other projects. The other day I had the burning desire to get writing again.  I really love being able to talk to adults even though I may not be able to see their faces or hear their reaction. I recognize that some of my followers may be expecting a gospel lesson, and while this blog is different getting healthy is still very important for a healthy spiritual life.

I am quite proud of my progress in tackling my New Years resolutions this year. I really want to keep mine and continue to regain my strength after batting chronic illness for years. I recognize there are many sides to consider for the best approach in fitness. Yet the only sides I am really worried about are the ones that don’t fit as well as I would like them to in my pants. I also want the confidence back that comes from being in shape. I did not want to waste considerable energy having to consider the shape I am in and using my kung Fu skills on anyone that has a derogatory comment. I have worked hard at correcting the problems that don’t get better by loosing a few pounds and now I am ready to do the rest.

My new years resolution consists of a progressive goals concerning fitness. I decided that I wouldn’t overwhelm myself with everything I needed to change I would just do one part of my goal at a time until I felt confident in it and then I would add to that goal the next challenge. I know the level that I need to get to. I have been at the level I am reaching for before, but I was extremely ill and so no matter how skinny I was I felt horrible. Also it was a level that was quite easy to maintain when I was single and not living with those whose diet includes cheese, and cookies as their own food groups.

So what was my first step? CONQUER SUGAR! That means no refined sugar. Of course this ended ice cream, cookies and candy. It also included disappointing my husband who loved to see me get all-hyper after eating something chocolate. Oh yes I said it…Chocolate was also out for more reasons that sugar. I am starting to feel that sense of accomplishment I used to feel in school when I just finished a project that consumed my life for weeks.

Sugar is not my only vice. There are three other foods that send my body into a fat packing revolt. Those are bread, high fat dairy, and red meat. I would include processed meats but I have never really liked those so it is not really a sacrifice to give them up. While I am already limiting these foods, by the first week on February I plan have all of these fat packing foods gone from my daily life.  If I wasn’t taking care of my little boy and a million other things right now I think I would be able to tackle these challenges faster, but right now I am going to rejoice in the fact that I am doing awesome in not eating sugar and chocolate. Besides stress is hard on my health too. I have learned that balance is everything.

The next on the list starting this week, NO HIGH FAT DAIRY and for me that means CHEESE. For some reason my body has a love/hate relationship with cheese. More clearly my taste buds love cheese, but my body almost stops working when I eat it. My metabolism slows to barely alive and I watch the scale numbers increase daily.  There you have it my next goliath the fitness challenge.  Because I know this is the next challenge I am starting to adjust my thinking and cut back to prepare for the inevitable.  As for right now I am headed upstairs to have a broccoli and cheese potato for the last time in probably a year.

After cheese is taken out there is really no reason for bread. At least that is how I plan to console myself. BREAD! With all of the carbohydrate deliciousness, even without sugar bread is still nice. I mean what is eggs and toast without toast? I will tell you…eggs. That’s what I had for breakfast these last few days... just eggs. I am trying to get myself ready for the next task on my new year to do list.  Once I get into the groove of things it is not so bad. All I have to remember is I am extremely blessed to have access to a variety of foods. I recognize not everyone in the world is. I know that if I am in better health physically maybe there is more I can do about that dilemma.

Lastly I will give up the beloved red meat. I vaguely remember life before marrying a cowboy – when I hardly ever saw red meat. Now getting a ½ a beef is as normal as the sun rising and setting. I love chicken and fish and never felt deprived, but now I have others to consider. I am also very used to making all my families favorite dishes – most of which call for beef. I love to see that beefy dinner bring a big smile to my husband’s face and hear comments like these from my son, “I like brown chicken.” It looks like it is two against one right now.  I would have gladly chosen this one as the first food to give up, but starting with the hardest to give up seemed like the way to make sure that I would succeed and just keep me feeling good as I climbed the fitness ladder.